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*checks new minimalist styles*

*checks Ing-style sess commentaries*

*checks minimalist-styles' sess commentaries*

They are all readable!!

Still like the Hunter Ing one best.
Quote from Random Zelda Person:
Err... is it normal to have the default page load then switch to the selected style after half a second, or is something messed up for me?

that's normal. it depends on how fast your cpu is, how fast your graphics hardware is and what browser you are using.

advertising guy?

edit: if you mean my avatar, thanks ... just wait until tomorrow. ;)
soaking through
Y'know, "try new *insert product/thing here*!", with the whole overly enthusiastic and happy attitude.  It works well.
oops ... lol. yeah. satire is fun.
soaking through
I know.  Why do you think I read Private Eye?
Minimalist Dark makes me happi :D

So do waffles :9
Quote from Sarah:
Minimalist Dark makes me happi :D

So do waffles :9

you make me happy  Wink
that was random.

glad you like it, sarah!
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
Quote from AndehX:
Quote from Sarah:
Minimalist Dark makes me happi :D

So do waffles :9

you make me happy  Wink

Shameless much?  :?
it was random,  it was meant to be.....

p.s. I was kidding incase you didnt notice.
Ready and willing.
Oddly enough, I think the default style is cleaner than the "Minimalist" styles. Whatever...
Strategy Guide Writer
I still use the default style, even with Firefox. Just used to reading stuff on M2k2 like that now... :|
red chamber dream
Same here. I didn't even know there was other styles until recently, but meh, I'm happy with the original.
actually, there's no need to be ashamed about that imo. that just says to me, "nate, you have a lot of awesome styles on your site designed by one of the greatest css coders in the world, but at the same time, the style he coded to resemble your original site appearance is great, too." so basically saying i don't totally blow as an interface designer. thanks, guys.
/me likes the Minimalist Dark style. =D

Oh wait, this isn't IRC... :P
One shall stand, one shall ball.
After going through the styles, I can say that I like the Ing, Phazon Suit, and strangely enough for me, Fusion Suit.
soaking through
Quote from njahnke:
actually, there's no need to be ashamed about that imo. that just says to me, "nate, you have a lot of awesome styles on your site designed by one of the greatest css coders in the world, but at the same time, the style he coded to resemble your original site appearance is great, too." so basically saying i don't totally blow as an interface designer. thanks, guys.

I think it might be more like stupid dumb nostalgia.  Like why people keep using IE instead of switching to Firefox.

EDIT:  But yeah, it's still a good interface.  Any offence is to be taken with good humour, as usual.  >.>
yeah, good point. very good comparison. i think we would have been great friends in high school. ;P
soaking through
Good thing we found each other online then, eh?  :P
Awwww, stay right there.  Such a beautiful moment.

*snaps a pic*