Edit history:
infinitysend: 2010-08-16 09:15:55 pm
infinitysend: 2010-08-16 09:15:29 pm
infinitysend: 2010-08-16 09:14:22 pm
infinitysend: 2010-08-16 09:14:21 pm
infinitysend: 2010-08-16 09:13:30 pm
MDb Admin
Hey all,
For any of you that frequent or visit the Metroid Database you may have already heard about this. For those of you that don't, this thread's for you.
I recently completed and released my sprite hack, Metroid Presented by the Metroid Database, or "MDbtroid." You can download the hack here: http://www.metroid-database.com/fanapps.php
I've just created this thread to get the word out. I want as many people as I can get to experience my hack. Please give it a try, and I definitely recommend playing it with the LUA Script made by Neill Corlett: http://www.neillcorlett.com/metroidlua/ This pretty much turns it into a "brand new" game, or at least makes Metroid a more worthwhile experience. (You need to use FCEUX 2.1.2 or higher)
Thanks for your time. And now, screenshots! :D

And you can see some game footage with my commentary here:
For any of you that frequent or visit the Metroid Database you may have already heard about this. For those of you that don't, this thread's for you.
I recently completed and released my sprite hack, Metroid Presented by the Metroid Database, or "MDbtroid." You can download the hack here: http://www.metroid-database.com/fanapps.php
I've just created this thread to get the word out. I want as many people as I can get to experience my hack. Please give it a try, and I definitely recommend playing it with the LUA Script made by Neill Corlett: http://www.neillcorlett.com/metroidlua/ This pretty much turns it into a "brand new" game, or at least makes Metroid a more worthwhile experience. (You need to use FCEUX 2.1.2 or higher)
Thanks for your time. And now, screenshots! :D

And you can see some game footage with my commentary here:
Thread title: