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Is there such thing as a M2K2 space? Becuase i do see links that have metroid2002 then a username :P.
Thread title: 
they were removed

I haven't been able to find decent hosting since they went away.
http://famster.com/, don't know anything about it 'cept you get 1 gb space for video and unlimited for pictures

I'm a little picky when it comes to websites (Flash sites annoy me), and it doesn't appear to have FTP access.  Go for it if you like that kind of thing, but I don't know if I will…
red chamber dream
Can't upload songs and the like either, which is what I generally want to share.
that was not what the m2k2 spaces were for anyway :p
It is possible to share music, just tested and you can upload any kind of file you want. If not you can always mask the song/rar by changing the file extension to .avi and then later have the person change it back.
Ready and willing.
Um, trh, seriously, you can't just ignore the rules whenever you want.
Yes, because I totally just simply ignore them whenever I feel like it. If I were to do that my post history would not have looked the same. I seriously don't like the way you're indicating that I have no respect for the rules at all.

And I have to say I disagree with the way you're telling me off, you could easily have told me over IRC or in a PM telling me to change it (or change it yourself and then tell me), instead of having it develop into this.

I did consider whether I should edit my previous post or not. The reason for not doing so was because I had seen Ark was on after my first post, chances were he had seen (and 'deflagged') my post, so editing it might not have caught his attention. I was hoping this would.
Cook of the Sea
Well, if you wanted to make sure he saw it, couldn't you have PMed him?
it wasn't just only to Ark, others can find it useful as well
Cook of the Sea
*sigh* the rule is, don't double-post.  Don't just disregard a rule when you decide your way is better.
I see
Cook of the Sea
He's an admin.  He can do that.

Also, if you want to keep arguing, do it in PM.
I need to clear this up: you are mistaken, I don't feel the need to keep "arguing", and I never did. I do however feel the need to defend myself.

And I have to say you people are doing a wonderful job at keeping Toozin's idea up about a forum where everyone is treated equally.
Armor Guardian
Trh, you could have copied your old post, deleted it, and posted with the original post intact if you cared about Ark/others finding it so much.
Also, about the webspace, I still offer server space on my website.

You can be (username).anyofthese.xxx or anyofthese.xxx/(username).


There is 2 gigs of space, and 25 gigs of bandwidth monthly, and you can upload anything you want.

So, if you want some space, just PM me with your desired username and password.
host club club is a little different i think because i'm like the only one posting there with important new info/content. also sometimes the nature of the content (screencaps) means it works better if i try to segregate my posts. also double posting with hella new content is never against the rules anyway.
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
Quote from StarmanHaxor:
There is 2 gigs of space,

Quote from My PM:
You have 30 megs of storage.

Do I have two gigs or 30 megs?

Quote from SmartFTP:
[22:35:15] 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [TLS] ----------
[22:35:15] 220-You are user number 12 of 50 allowed.
[22:35:15] 220-Local time is now 17:35. Server port: 21.
[22:35:15] 220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server.
[22:35:15] 220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.
[22:35:15] USER pjboy@spjclan.com
[22:35:15] 331 User pjboy@spjclan.com OK. Password required
[22:35:15] PASS (hidden)
[22:35:15] 421 Home directory not available - aborting
[22:35:15] An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
[22:35:15] Cannot login waiting to retry (30s)...
[22:35:15] Client closed the connection.

I dont think it's working well :(
Quote from trh:
I did consider whether I should edit my previous post or not. The reason for not doing so was because I had seen Ark was on after my first post, chances were he had seen (and 'deflagged') my post, so editing it might not have caught his attention. I was hoping this would.

There's an easy way around it though.  Simply copy your post, delete it, then post it again with the edit. 

Also trh, weren't you an admin?
Quote from USBCD36:
There's an easy way around it though.  Simply copy your post, delete it, then post it again with the edit.

Yes, but to be honest I didn't think anyone would care if I didn't.

This is a forum, and as per definition a place for communication. I think it's pretty ironic if the rules that were made to uphold that idea is actually choking me from communicating. Bypassing, or bending it to make the reason anyone would be here possible can't be that bad.

Quote from USBCD36:
Also trh, weren't you an admin?

l'appel du vide
I wouldn't have noticed TRH's ignoration of the rule if Yoshi hadn't senselessly identified it...you guys sure got whack down pat...

Don't gotta jump at every minor "slip"...
Cook of the Sea
Get back on topic.  Any further discussion of trh's rule infraction will be deleted and the poster warned.
red chamber dream
trh: ah, didn't realise that. I just read on the site where it says something like, "upload your pictures or videos!" and didn't think you could upload songs as well. Cool.