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Kneel before the great & powerful chOZo
Quote from Bugsey:
I wish I could go... I'm from Michigan. But that's a good idea, we should go to Retro so we can beg for invisable ledges and the IBJ in the whole Prime series. I heard a few months ago that Retro's going to make a Zelda game. Lets make them put invisable ledges in that one too.

Nintendo has never valued the Metroid franchise as much as they should, but I can't see them turning a Zelda title over to Retro.  They've allowed third parties to make handheld Zelda games in the past, and as far as I know Retro only produces games for PC or console.  I simply don't believe this rumor.

I'm not counting those ridiculous CD-I Zelda games for obvious reasons. 

Anyways, back on topic:  I thought the idea of going to Retro was a joke, but you could still do the get-together in Austin because its an awesome place.  I was born there and have lived there a couple times.  I might actually go if you have it there.
red chamber dream
The meetup is definitely going to be on the East Coast, most likely in Virginia. That is not going to change. This topic is for you to post whether or not you can attend. Post once, then stop, unless you have something to say relevant to the actual meetup itself (where you live, if you can pick others up on the way, etc.). No need to clog the topic up with useless hypothetical posts.
Bananas GOOD, Kremlings BAD
Being that I'm living in Virginia right now, I can definitely attend.  As for my schedule, I'll have to wait 'n see...
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Okay guys, I'm making it official right here. You hear it first:

I'm not gonna be there.
Kneel before the great & powerful chOZo
Yeah I'm definitely not going to VA.  If I went it would have to be part of a vacation, and I don't see VA as a real vacation spot.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Oh really? It's kind of hard to tell after those last couple posts saying "Yeah I'm definitely not going you should have it here instead." I thought maybe you're being sarcastic or ironic but I guess not.
how long will we be staying? i want to know if I could go, but im in school so itd have to be during winter break.
red chamber dream
It will be during winter break, probably three or four days.
Yeah, I'll have to wait for the school calendar to come out, then I'll see when winter break will be.
“Well done is better than well said”
Yes I am so there.  I was born in New Port News Virginia and don't live far from the state now.  (Northwestern NC presently).  Go Mountaineers ASU.  I'd be honored to meet the pros of Metroid.  It'll be like Metroid-Con.
a few days around the first of the year.
can you tell us all the details about the trip?
check the sda topic but little is known atm.
Man, no Austin? That would have been so convenient for me :D. I MIGHT be able to make it. Sucks that it's going to be a little before when I get my car and my license.
well i think i might be able to go as long as i get to know more about it, so plz post watever updates come ok?
Samus Lauren
nate, you know I'd love to, but I really have NO CLUE at all if I would be able to do this. I'll be working all winter break, but you know, you're more than welcome to stop by Radioshack and come visit me at work. :P I would love serving anyone here who wants to come in as a customer.

I should meet nate. Just because it's...well...nate. And I think meeting me in person would be a nice thing for you too after all this time , huh?

*waves to random people that she doesn't know and then disappears again*
red chamber dream
*crosses his fingers*
omg yes. lol now i won't be able to stop thinking about how i can make a detour over to radio shack two states away. i'm sure things will be easier the closer we get to the specified time (The More You Know™ etc). thanks for checking in, as always.
red chamber dream
nate, if you're seriously gonna go to Ohio, I'd love to tag along. Have been meaning to finally check it off my states–I've–been–to list.
hahaha. this is rapidly turning into an m2k2 road trip. oh well, no problem with that.
everybody knows it's true
next stop, oregon!
One shall stand, one shall ball.
In this topic, we attempt to make nate drive as much as possible so he will go bankrupt paying for gas.
red chamber dream
In a Civic? Never!
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
So uh, I'm assuming there's no chance you can make one more detour...to southern California? Laughing