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red chamber dream
Today's pictures have been added, with videos coming soon.
Nice group picture, I'm considering using it to make my sig image.  Hopefully, I'll be there in a few years.
Bangaa Bishop
Quote from Toozin:
Quote from JaggerG:
I suppose it's a real stretch, but can you just use a surrogate through skype or something?

I don't even know what skype is.

If you like, though, I can send my giant deathslayer automiton as my proxy. He doesn't always kill people.

Skype is software for making video confrence calls over the internet.
Kind of VoIP +1, though the video quality is pretty bad.
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
Dude, total sausage fest.
red chamber dream
Yep, that was pretty lame. Think I counted exactly three cute girls on the last day.
Total mass nerd gathering.  Wish I would have been there, looks fun. 
Most of the people there seem like really cool guys though, so I don't think of them as nerds.
Quote from BioSpark:
Most of the people there seem like really cool guys though, so I don't think of them as nerds.

I didn't mean it in a derogatory way, I love nerds.  I would definitely call myself a nerd.  I consider it to be a compliment actually.