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  Hey everyone i have been lurking around the metroid prime hunters formum for a while now and i think that their should be a mph section on M2K2 that would entice speed runners to start speed running. i don't actually have the game but my brother has a ds lite and the game and i play it more than him. So if there is going to be a section for MPH then what tricks should be on it. and what tricks has anyone found yet.
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Bangaa Bishop
The main problem is each site page usually uses a video to demonstrate the trick, and its very difficult to get quality video of a DS game. (And if not that, then the method of recording makes it difficult to play the game well enough to perform the trick well.)
yeah you have a point there but you can still get a good quality recording of a ds game with a good digital video camera with a headphone jack.

(edit) i think
The problem is in trying to play (which takes both hands) and hold the camera  at the same time, keeping the camera and ds steady.
Certain deities could do it, but not most humans.
if you could get a tripod then you could hold it steady but our best chances is waiting for a wii ds add on.