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I like Big Butts and I can not lie
Check it out
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I'll have to wait for the avi, because it Desyncs on the selection screen.... =*(

I can't wait to see this!!
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
watched it
doesn't use arm pumping
perfects glitchs (just about)
no phantoon quick kill
no x-ray abuse on draygon(still 2 round)
legacy removes kraid quick kill
DEFINATLY improvable
good choice for a hack

btw the hack is patched right?and it's ntsc
The hack can only be applied to a NTSC rom to my knowledge. Should be entertaining to watch, I'll grab the hack later again (it disappeared with no trace <_<) and pray it'll run on Nitsuja's Snes9X version.

Edit: the author said he used Super Metroid (J) as base rom to patch, I used Super Metroid (U) and it runs fine thus far.

As for Nitsuja's improvement to Snes9X, get it here. It has basically the same features as the official Snes9X versions, and a few improvements concerning movie-playback. It might just do the trick, and it's needed for quite a few runs on Nesvideos.
l'appel du vide
Super Metroid (J) is the same thing as Super Metroid (U).
There are only two versions of the game: NTSC (Japan/USA) & PAL (Europe).