Just to tackle the point brought up in the first post that Ridley is a species and not an individual... and the point someone made that they didn't recall that from the manga...
That was a major plot point of "The Best There Is", a monolithic fanfic by InsomniacByChoice that has since been taken down because, according to him, it got out of control and lost focus and he didn't know how to get it back on track again. Whether he originated the idea, or based it off of some information, I don't recall, but he did use the species instead of individual idea.
That was a major plot point of "The Best There Is", a monolithic fanfic by InsomniacByChoice that has since been taken down because, according to him, it got out of control and lost focus and he didn't know how to get it back on track again. Whether he originated the idea, or based it off of some information, I don't recall, but he did use the species instead of individual idea.