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There's always plenty of ways to kill a lot of the creatures in MP2E...

I usually just super missile them then use a charged power beam shot or two to finish em off.

Emperor Ing
The tentacles it has are easy to take out, all you need to do is use regular missiles, lock onto them and fire away. I find that missiles are always the first thing you should waste away when fighting the Emperor since the second form is better fought using the light and annahilator beams. As I was saying about the tentacles, missiles work great for many reasons, they're expendable, they home in on the tentacles and best of all, the blast can take out multiple tenticles if they're close together. Even better is the seeker missile option, targetting multiple tentacles, though this takes more time to accomplish.
Thread title: 

I absolutely love to screw attack them.
1 hit -> 1 kill  (even when they have their shield up)

like in the old times...

otherwise they are a pain in the ass to destroy
2 well placed super missiles or a few dark beam shots in the right moment...
Quote from Chozo-Ghost:

I absolutely love to screw attack them.
1 hit -> 1 kill  (even when they have their shield up)

like in the old times...

otherwise they are a pain in the ass to destroy
2 well placed super missiles or a few dark beam shots in the right moment...

Semi-charged Dark Beam + missile works for me. I think it takes 3 DB ammo and 1 missile, not entirely sure, though.

Screw Attack. I got 4 in one attack.

Charged Dark Beam + Missile.

Ing Smasher
Power Bomb.

Normal Space Pirate
Boost + Bombs = Dead pirate. (It's not good, but it is fun.)

WITH Anhilator:
Shoot a nearby beacon or crystal and watch em' weep.  Twisted Evil

WITHOUT Anhilator:
Two Charged Light beam shots did it for me.

I haven't gotten to Emperor Ing yet, but I found a nice Quadraxis tip:
NEVER. GO. FOR. THE. LEGS. It doesn't help much, if at all.
Has anyone tried seeker missles on the tentacle form of the Emperor. I imagine it could take out 5 tentacles in 2 shots. I stand to be corrected though.
Yes, I tried, but I often lost lock-on while in the process of aiming because of either his tentacles going crazy or him hitting me...
What luck, there's french fry stuck in my beard.
I'd imagine you could use the Seeker Missile, but I don't think you'd be able to get him to stand still for that long.  I think the Annihilator is the best choice against those tentacles.
Quote from Morgenstern:
Has anyone tried seeker missles on the tentacle form of the Emperor. I imagine it could take out 5 tentacles in 2 shots. I stand to be corrected though.

i always use seekers. they work great, just as you describe. however, the time window for easily locking on to hella tentacles is very narrow, so you need to be on your toes.
lvl 28 Magic Leper
Dark Pirate Commandos
I just wait until they spawn near an unactivated light beacon (Which they usually do oddly ebough.) and fire a light beam or two at the beacon, it's a one hit kill.
What luck, there's french fry stuck in my beard.
Bloggs go down with two Dark Beam shots in their mouth.
Flying Pirates
1 Super Missile.

And I love taking out the Ing with a super crystal / beacon. It's so cheap it's funny XD Same goes for dark-freezing + missile. A lot of creatures that are supposed to take a lot of hits go down easily with that combo. But of course we know this from the first Prime very well... damn combo made the Metroids so weak x.x
Quote from njahnke:
i always use seekers. they work great, just as you describe. however, the time window for easily locking on to hella tentacles is very narrow, so you need to be on your toes.

damn, guess ill never do it, no toes you see, tragic accident....
I('d) like to watch (some MP3 runs)
1 single Light Beam shot (uncharged) kills a tentacle too...and the tentacles sometimes drop Light Ammo as well.
red chamber dream
The tentacles are easy to make disappear with the Power Beam.
I had problems with Mutated Emperor Ing.

When he's Red, a few missile does the trick.

When he goes Black, charged Light beam (thank God for it's homing properties)

However when he goes White, I'm pretty screwed, as I can NEVER hit him with the Dark Beam! Suggestions anyone?

Emperor 1 I take out with Seeker Missiles, I did use the light beam my first couple of times, but missiles are easier. Get horizontally aligned to his tentacles, i.e. He's looking 90 degrees away from you. Hold Y, drag upward and you generally have 3-5 locks already.

Regenerating Emperor - Power Bombs! Move your morph ball over a couple of holes and when the tentacles come out or when u see the purply smoke, drop a power bomb. Very quick death.
I('d) like to watch (some MP3 runs)
Annihilator works "ok" on the white version..still misses a crapload, but not nearly as bad as just the Dark Beam.
However when he goes White, I'm pretty screwed, as I can NEVER hit him with the Dark Beam!

If you don't have the light ammo for annihilator, there are at least two points where you can get a guaranteed hit assuming you don't mess up:

* when he crouches down slightly to do the multi-laser attack (any form)

* when he stops moving and roars before sliding across the ground (any form, doesn't seem to do it before reaching about 80% or lower of his health)

* when he stops moving and does a light/dark laser attack that tracks you (light/dark form only)

I personally never bother shooting at him other than these times. It sucks having to spend 90% of the fight waiting for an opportunity, but that's how it is in my experience. A lot of times his mouth will be open, but he can't take damage at that moment, so it's deceiving.
Pirate Aerotrooper
One charged dark beam shot.  No missile required.

One charged dark beam shot destroys the shell, and a couple of power beam shots will kill it.
I('d) like to watch (some MP3 runs)
Another thing, when Emperor 3 charges at you, you can shoot him in the "butt" and it makes him flash..don't know if it hurts him (think I've done that with the red teeth and white teeth).

I use a fully charged Dark Beam or Super Missile and then a few Power beam shots or Dark Beam shots. Same for the Dark version but use the Light Beam instead of the Dark Beam.
Power Bomb can own the Emperor Ing's tentacles. I prefer Light Beam though.
Anyway, how does one destroy a triumvirate of Dark Bloggs without getting f'ed in the a' by their jaws?
I('d) like to watch (some MP3 runs)
Do the early Grav Boost and you never have to fight the Dark Bloggs.
I'm posting a vote for power bombs against Emperor Ing's tentacles too - if you time it right you can destroy all of them with one bomb.
I('d) like to watch (some MP3 runs)
You can have them all killed way before the chance to use a PB comes up if you use light beam.  :o
OK, well, I suck at aiming then.