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Composite from the high-res renders.

Metroid Prime: Hunters - 800x600
Metroid Prime: Hunters - 1024x640 (widescreen)
Metroid Prime: Hunters - 1024x768
Metroid Prime: Hunters - 1152x864
Metroid Prime: Hunters - 1280x960
Metroid Prime: Hunters - 1440x900 (widescreen)
Metroid Prime: Hunters - 1280x1024
Metroid Prime: Hunters - 1600x1200
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You forgot 1280x960. :P
red chamber dream
I like it. I love most of the character designs of the bounty hunters, and all of them together is great.
And uhm, 1280x1024 deserves some kind of tag because it's not the normal aspect ratio. I never managed to figure out how that resolution works.
Meh... 1280x1024 is technically a 5:4 aspect ratio image resolution, but the way it's displayed is in 4:3, meaning it doesn't need a tag.
Very nice.
lol no way
It's been my desktop for about a day now... I particularly like how it's not got any watermarks anywhere, it looks much much cleaner how it is. So uh, yeah, very cool desktop man. Thanks.
Definitely putting this up as my own wallpaper in october. Stickifie this topic somehow for others to use as well.
if carl clears me to use it, i can just post it on the m2k2 backgrounds page credited to him.
go go go
Nice work Arrow  Arrow  Arrow  Arrow  Exclamation , but it needs a better background.
That image is super cool. Drop the blank background and put in summat with a little more sparkle and it'll be perfect.