Recently I've been wondering if any Japanese players have better times in the Metroid games than the Americas or Europe does. I am particularly interested in Metroid Zero Mission since it's my game of choice, but I am sure somewhere there is a Metroid board or whatever in Japan. Is there a list of Japanese records?
That is an old Metroid Zero Mission topic. the times there looked doubtful at the time, but they are now known to be very possible and also beatable, but that was ages ago. Surely Japanese players have gotten better times by now? I really wouldn't know the first place to look, but I am really curious because perhaps (though maybe unlikely?) I have better goals to work with than the current ones I do for Zero Mission, but I am sure this applies to many Metroid games which is why I posted here.
That is an old Metroid Zero Mission topic. the times there looked doubtful at the time, but they are now known to be very possible and also beatable, but that was ages ago. Surely Japanese players have gotten better times by now? I really wouldn't know the first place to look, but I am really curious because perhaps (though maybe unlikely?) I have better goals to work with than the current ones I do for Zero Mission, but I am sure this applies to many Metroid games which is why I posted here.
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