I've personally had better luck on EBay, for the sole lack of any good game stores in my area. I live in a hole...I mean, my mall doesn't even have a DDR machine in it!
I've personally had better luck on EBay, for the sole lack of any good game stores in my area. I live in a hole...I mean, my mall doesn't even have a DDR machine in it!
O_o I cry for you... ;_; The game is kind of rare, isint it? I mean, I have never seen a copy anywhere except for one of my friends, who is rich and has every Metroid game.....curse him for his richness...
Uh...yeah, all the ones I've been to (except mine) do (or at least they have some rip-off or DDR, if they have an arcade. Mine USED to have an arcade, but they changed it into a Deb.
We got a Gamestop in where I live a couple years back. I went there the day after it opened and picked up Metroid II. I have not seen another copy there since.
I bought mine at an EB just a couple weeks ago. I don't scrutinize the used GB game cabinet particularly deeply but this was the first one I remember seeing.
I finally found one at Microplay over Christmas. It's the second I've seen -- the first being at a different Microplay several months earlier, when I didn't have any money. They also had copies of the original Metroid, Super Metroid, and a couple of Mega Man games I was looking for. My frustration surrounded me like... well, know the Safe Zones in Prime 2? Picture one of those, only projecting Dark Energy rather than Light Energy, and centred on my person. Anyone who tried to hug me that day took damage.
go needing two more rockman complete works discs, as well as mega man: the wily wars, and having NO money. i'd give you a reassuring pat on the back, but it's too dangerous; my energy tanks are empty.
Am I the only one here who buys every game for full price, brand new? Never used games?
That depends in my case. For most Metroid games, I'll get 'em the day they come out new. For other games I want, but am not so overzealous about, I'll wait to find 'em used.
In regards to Metroid 2 however, I've owned two copies of the game. The first one went missing in action one day, so after not seeing hide nor hair of it, I happened to see one in Music World under the used games and snatched it up.
I bought my Super Game Boy - remember that cute little SNES/GB adapter? - specifically for Metroid II and Link's Awakening. I've never actually owned a GB. My mother still has most of my early CDs, all my NES/SNES/GB stuff, and a bunch of nifty clothes I could still probably fit into... unfortunately, I'd have to kill her to get it all back.
And I didn't start buying games until 1999, at which point I had a lot of catching up to do. Not easy getting brand-new games for systems which are no longer being supported. I collect one RPG series but I didn't start doing so until most of the Japanese ones had been out for a while, and so only 12 (of 29) of my games from that series were new when I got them.