Gack ack ack ack!
Well, I've actually been a member here for almost six years now, but I haven't been around for at least three of those, mainly due to forgetting about the site. The last time I was here (a couple of years ago), I wasn't the most pleasant person to be around. I just remembered about m2k2, and decided that I wanted to rejoin the community on a better note. I was looking for the best place to put this post, and the "Introduce yourself here" topic seems to be as good a place as any. Anyway, aside from being engaged, working straight shift work in a chemical laboratory for ALCOA, and doing all the things that come with be a lucky homeowner, I've been playing Maple Story, Halo Reach, Just Cause 2, and several other PC/Xbox/Wii games. Currently I'm in the middle of Donkey Kong Country Returns, which I'm loving every minute of. And I want to extend a huge apology to SABERinBLUE for being such an ass the last time we talked.
Yep, that's just about it for me. Good to be back~
Yep, that's just about it for me. Good to be back~