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Opium: 2010-07-11 04:47:14 pm
Opium: 2010-07-11 04:46:58 pm
Opium: 2010-07-11 04:46:43 pm
Quote from Kharay1977:
Quote from MASTER-88:

And bye & bye. I going leave here.
I totally agree Zoid when he said this site being shit. Most new memebers are ass holes. Thats all what i wanted say. This is not same places as years ago. Go for banned me or not thats ok im not care it. Almost all awesome runners are got lost here. Zoid got leave i´ll leave and im not see is there any old runners. Thats just look Ark like despot that site and not allow other opinions.

Thats it have a nice day
Best regards Master-88Smile

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

I've given it some thought and I really kinda hate you.  I'm sick of your rude comments, your facepalms, and wtf is up with that pic that shows half of your pasty little ass ??  M88 was much more polite and 1000X better at metroid than you, so it kinda pisses me off the way you tell him not to let the door hit him in the ass, as if you were somehow more welcome here than he. Go break your other hip, you drunken bi-polar rude asshole.
chill out opium. you sound way worse than he does atm.

and apparently ark's a despot.
urmoms a despot
Edit history:
Kharay1977: 2010-07-11 07:22:29 pm
Kharay1977: 2010-07-11 07:21:46 pm
Kharay1977: 2010-07-11 07:21:01 pm
Kharay1977: 2010-07-11 07:20:46 pm
Kharay1977: 2010-07-11 07:19:04 pm
Kharay1977: 2010-07-11 07:18:16 pm
Quote from Opium:
Go break your other hip, you drunken bi-polar rude asshole.
Shame on you
I liked your post more when it was just a blank yellow circle.
MPZoid said this site was shit? What happened between this site and himself?
This: http://m2k2.taigaforum.com/post/wallcrawling_to_omega_pirate_from_behind_52_12.html
Heh, what can I say? Some people are just more sensitive to sarcasm and criticism than others. But he obviously ignored one of the golden rules of the internet: Don't feed the trolls.
Quote from Idkbutlike2:
Some people are just more sensitive to sarcasm and criticism than others.
And it would appear he is not the only one.
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
ark ur chasing every1 away i hav 2 ban u now
What the fuck people. And zoid ticking out, how did I `miss that?
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Kharay1977: 2010-07-12 07:42:37 am
Quote from ryu:
What the fuck people. And zoid ticking out, how did I `miss that?
... and it doesn't end with him leaving M2K2.

Check his Youtube channel - http://www.youtube.com/user/MPzoid

He all but closed it. No more videos of his.
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ryu: 2010-07-12 08:07:55 am

pretty sad what false faith does to people.
Quote from ryu:
pretty sad what false faith does to people.
Indeed. Crying or Very sad
That's not false faith, that's just being selfish.
Quote from Idkbutlike2:
That's not false faith, that's just being selfish.

he's still backing it with "faith", though
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Opium: 2010-07-12 10:38:11 am
Isn't 'false faith' kind of redundant?  I've never heard that term before.

Anyways, the above saying reminds me of this one:

I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not.
i guess that's why everyone loves me at first and grows to hate me the better they get to know me.
Quote from ryu:
Quote from Idkbutlike2:
That's not false faith, that's just being selfish.

he's still backing it with "faith", though
Well, by saying that, he's acting as if God only cares about him, which is just being selfish.
Also by saying it, he's admitting to a belief in supernatural beings, which calls into question his very sanity.
Quote from Opium:
Also by saying it, he's admitting to a belief in supernatural beings, which calls into question his very sanity.

I question the sanity of anyone who takes the world at face value.
Edit history:
Idkbutlike2: 2010-07-12 04:13:13 pm
Quote from Opium:
Also by saying it, he's admitting to a belief in supernatural beings, which calls into question his very sanity.

Don't be an antitheist prick. Believing in God doesn't automatically make you insane.
Quote from Idkbutlike2:
Don't be an antitheist prick. Believing in God doesn't automatically make you insane.
The manner in which you believe in a deity does, however, for some people at least.
alright, no more posts about religion or god or whatever. this isn't the place for that.