As long as we can understand what you're trying to say, you'll survive. Unless you use the wrong your/you're. Avoid using those words altogether if you're not sure. Welcome, anyway.
As long as we can understand what you're trying to say, you'll survive. Unless you use the wrong your/you're. Avoid using those words altogether if you're not sure.
can ignore the resident grammar lunatic if you'd like. the rest of us will understand if your english isn't perfect. welcome to the forum!
thanks guys. I wander boards for long time before finally sign up. I see some people have gotten (nick/sub) names of their usernames like i see arkarian be called fork or ark and bartendorsparky be called sparky. Is there a list of nicknames i should know?
I always pronounced Acheron's name: Ak-err-on and Arkarian's nam: Ark-ar-on (but nowadays I actually pronounce it how it should be pronounced, but Ark-ar-on is faster).