I'm a oldie/newbie. Joined years ago, posted a few times, kinda forgot about the place (my bad >_>), and needed a Metroid forum to join and I remembered this place.
Welcome back! This place has changed quite a bit since 2005, so be sure to check out the new stuff, like the Hacks and Fangames board and the new MPH section of the main site.
What? About her liking Echoes? Nah. That's not what I meant.
In any case, Joana, you share a name with my mom, and by personal experience, Joanas all tend to be rather brainier than they usually let on. I hope you'll fit those expectations of mine. =p
I didn't get that base treachery stuff... Anyways, I like Echoes more than anyother because it is the hardest and longest, and that's just the way I like it:P