The desire to save time and maybe a hint of masochism?
I assume time is somehow a factor, but I'm not quite seeing how there's so much of a difference in time required for the save compared to doing it the normal way. I'm probably missing something, though.
I'm starting to really consider splitting after SA. :\ It'll cost a ridiculous 23 seconds to do so, but I've been practicing the tricks and been having a ton of trouble with them, and this segment is way too goddamn long to deal with such inconsistency... There's also the problem of the Warrior Ing, which is completely random and would cost a lot of time if it doesn't cooperate (hint: it won't.) Splitting will also allow me to optimize further, though probably not enough to overcome the huge saving loss.
Really it all boils down to saving in-game time by skipping the save or real-time by finishing the segment(s) sometime in 2011. As much as I want this run to be as fast as possible, I also want to preserve what remaining sanity I have. :\ So... What does everyone else think I should do? I have an idea of what the responses are going to be, though...
Just do it, if it's going to make the run more smooth nine times out of ten (or whatever the actual ratio is). No point in trying to shave those seconds off if it can't be pulled off reliably. I mean, you're already pretty much guaranteed the record anyway, so...
I usually don't like telling runners what to do, and this is probably going to be one of 'those' replies, but here goes...
Split it. This segment is at least rivaling the entire 100% SS in difficulty all by itself. The run is saving 30 mins. Letting go of 23 seconds is acceptable. (Though perhaps not ideal or something you like to trade off.) Either way you are making one of the best echoes runs ever. Being able to see the end screen sometime reasonable is a nice bonus.
There are still plenty of hard tricks to grind some sanity on in later segments, if you're worried about that
imo, split it. It's a ridiculously long segment packed with difficult tricks. The save might not be enough to let you save 23 seconds, but if you could save a relatively high amount anyway, then it's basically losing just a few seconds to saving, not 23, which is worth it if it means it'll help preserve your sanity and a smoother looking run overall.