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Use \ before commas in usernames
....how would I go about doing it?
Thread title: 
Ask an admin, but there's more or less an unwritten rule that you're not allowed to abuse it.
Abuse it as in I wouldn't be allowed to change it repeatedly?
Quote from Dark_SA-X:
Abuse it as in I wouldn't be allowed to change it repeatedly?

Yes well, not change it for just a month for fun sake and stuff like that. Change it only if you want and you're going to stick with what you're changing to.
Yeah, that's OK then. I just PM'd Nate and asked him to do it.

Don't worry, the change will be permanent.
Another thing that helps is if you tell people who you were once you've changed it.  That screwed me up for awhile after Klefmung changed his name from mangadood…
Yea that really messed me up. I didn't know you could do that. I was like wtf whos this new kid and why does he have 2000+ posts!
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
WTF? Klefmung is mangad00d? I was wondering why md never posted anymore and who this klef dude was! XD
Well, now I know...
He sounded the same, too :x.
I knew the whole time because I saw the post he made saying he changed his name.

I was Dark_SA-X and now I'm Sasuke_Kun. Now y'all know.
red chamber dream
And this topic's purpose is done.