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If nintendo keeps up there quick pace of releasing metroid games,  they're going to have to  add features to keep the games interesting... so ideas anyone?

Heavy Suit - this makes samus's suit bullkier, which in turn reduces damage, speed, jump distance ( although this would be annoying) , and reduces throwback from certain enemies attacks.

Light Suit - Mostly the exact opposite of the heavy suit,  it allows for greater agility at the cost of protection.

Charge beam compacitor - allows charge beam to charge faster, or at least missle/ beam combos.

Beam merger (MP) - allows beams to be merged, elminating many annoying door switches,  increasing beam power, and mddifying beam pattern to incorperate both beams features. would start off by mergeing power and ice, wave and plasma.  perhaps a 3rd would merge the all the beams together.

Jet pack (MP) - not a space jump, but its a more realistic alternative. leaves game wide open for going out of order.

Machine gun - A rapid fire automatic weapon that is effective against some enemies. either drains energy from energy tanks (energy machine gun), or has its own seperate ammo supply.

All those items would be optional, able to be switched at will.

On another note of things they could do to incorperate all these new items... possible multi-planet adventure.... or at least between a planet and its moon(s). This would even allow for ship upgrades (and even the ability to pilot the ship at points) adding more depth to the game.

A second playable character / Fusion suit option - either as a reward or base option allows you to play the game through as a slightly different  character, beyond mere cosmetic changes.

A unique system that allows you to choose what data you can download (like fusion) and adapts challanges to that specific choice. tons of work for designers.

Just a few thouhts...
Thread title: 
I must say, those ideas seem pretty awesome.  The only thing I ask you consider is how the other metroid games have worked.  Whenever you got a new suit, it was better in every way.  I know you want new innovations, but I think I would miss looking forward to getting a stronger and more able suit.  I especially liked your idea for merging beams and reducing charge time.  I loved how in super you could have a wave charge ice plasma beam.  These changes would be hella cool in Prime 2 methinks.
i know that in past series that new suit upgrades have been better in everyway...  but these are more adaptive, to better suit (haha) a players particular style.  and they have to have downsides to make the other suit worthwhile.

anyways.. i thought of some new ones

beam sword - probably not likely at all, but it could work for certain enemies.

"action upgrades" - these would be abilites learned that allow samus to preform a better acton, such as dodge... or to even dodge at all, etc.  could use a RPG style system (unlikely) or be a standard upgrade.

in reality, several things from zelda could be incorperated, such as shops, trials to gain abilities, etc., although i believe this would probably take more away from the metroid we know and love.
not that many people seem to care... but

Missile charge: charging the missiles allows a missile spread,  possibly targeting multiple enemies/parts. 

On the same idea

Missile reloader: enables missiles to be fired more rapidly.
Quote from Thanatos:
in reality, several things from zelda could be incorperated, such as shops, trials to gain abilities

I was just wondering, who would man the shops and run the trials?  I imagine Ridely would sell things like "can of whoop ass" and might make you play russian roulette with a semi-automatic pistol.  :D

I hope you all understand why not to play russian roulette with a semi-automatic pistol.... :?
Quote from Thanatos:
Missile charge: charging the missiles allows a missile spread,  possibly targeting multiple enemies/parts.

Can you say diffusion missles?

Overall, some not bad ideas though.

Quote from RoboBlob:
I hope you all understand why not to play russian roulette with a semi-automatic pistol.... :?

I hope we all understand why not to play russian roulette at all, but yes I understand why not to play it with a semi-automatic pistol. Unless you go last, that is. Twisted Evil
Please keep your Zelda out of my Metroid.
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
I agree, having shops and characters to interact with just seems so unMetroid. Adam was bad enough.
Ready and willing.
Quote from Xoc:
Please keep your Zelda out of my Metroid.

Well, technically, Zelda in to your Metroid is probably how we got lock on targeting for MP. Of course, that's beside your point, but I'm evil and annoying.  Twisted Evil
I'm evil and annoying.

Keep your evil out of my annoying!

Quote from Thanatos:
beam sword - probably not likely at all, but it could work for certain enemies.

No. Fucking. Beamsword. Beamswords DO NOT BELONG IN METROID. samus is a bounty hunter, who specailzes in long range weapons. she would NEVER use a beam sword. and it would just be stupid in a metroid game.
lol no way
I agree completely. Melee weapons are not the way of Samus.
Quote from Light of Day:
Quote from RoboBlob:
I hope you all understand why not to play russian roulette with a semi-automatic pistol.... :?

I hope we all understand why not to play russian roulette at all, but yes I understand why not to play it with a semi-automatic pistol. Unless you go last, that is. Twisted Evil

Even IF you go last, you'll still die.  Unless you're just playing to first death instead of "once around to everyone."
Even IF you go last, you'll still die. Unless you're just playing to first death instead of "once around to everyone."

Well, if it's your turn, that means that your opponent has taken a turn.  In this instance, it is implied that your opponent has already lost, and therefore you have already won.  Taking a turn after you've already won would just be downright silly.

Wait...what were we talking about?  Ahh yes, Metroid.  Ideas for future weaponry.

So the idea is a beam with two barrels, one that points away from Samus and one pointing toward her, with a 50/50 probability of which direction the beam will fire each time the trigger is pulled.  I like it.  The ROULETTE BEAM.
Quote from Thanatos:
in reality, several things from zelda could be incorporated, such as shops, trials to gain abilities, etc., although i believe this would probably take more away from the metroid we know and love.

Remember that the Eticoons and the bird creature (can't remember it's name.) showed you how to use those special abilities in Super. It would be cool to see something like that again. But as far as shops and interacting with other people goes, I'm not too sure about that.

Quote from Houston:
No. flickerbat. Beamsword. Beamswords DO NOT BELONG IN METROID. samus is a bounty hunter, who specailzes in long range weapons. she would NEVER use a beam sword. and it would just be stupid in a metroid game.

Yeah. Thanatos, some of your ideas are good but most are just bad. In the previous games when you got an item it would add to the gameplay. But some of your ideas just seem to add to her weapon arsenal, and there only purpose seems to be only for killing more enemies.
That's one of the things I didn't like about Metroid Prime: Two of the three Beam Combos weren't particularly useful.  In fact, they weren't AT ALL useful.  I never used the Flamethrower except when I felt like wasting missiles to burn a group of enemies instead of simply blasting them, and I think the Ice Spreader was used in only one battle: the first Metroid Prime fight.  In all the other Metroid games, every item was useful for several things; even the unnecessary ones.  There are several places where you need the Spring Ball instead of a bomb because you're jumping off of a crumbling block, and while the X-Ray Scope doesn't help you in any really big way it DOES help immensely for finding items and secret passageways.
Uhh... no. To everything.
Adding two new items to every new game released tends to ruin thing. I already think Fusion and Zero Mission are going a bit too far. Wide beam? Power grip? What?!

It starts out with getting good ideas to enhance gameplay, and ends with having to toss in tons of new stuff to get games sold. I mean, come on, was the long beam thing really neccessary?

If I could decide, I'd remove several "standard" items and make room for new, more discreet things. One thing I never really liked in the old-skool Metroids are the beam combinations. So sue me. It works, it's fun, but I have NO idea how the hell you're supposed to make plasma out of pure electrons that freeze creatures on impact. I'd prefer if only some things could be combined. Now, charge combos like in Prime would work excellently in all games, though, if the cost wasn't that damn high. Give that flamethrower a near-instant kill, make the wavebuster's beam have a chain lightning effect and triple the freeze time and area of the ice spreader, THEN we're talking.

Also, I was never a fan of the continous space jump. I'd prefer a plain old  double jump, like Prime did it. Maybe do it the way Super Smash Bros. did it? Two jumps finished off with a screw attack for three times the height/length.... It _could_ work... As for completely new things... hmmm... How does a flashlight sound? Maybe do what I'm doing in one of the game projects I'm working on, and have a photon cannon. That is, a beam of light strong enough to burn enemies. The charge combo for that could work as a powerful blast, followed by the arm cannon emitting light for half a minute or so. Then we could have the obligatory boss that can only be damaged by destroying the lights in the room to make it activate its night vision, then shoot it in the eye with a beam of pure light But hey, I'm already using that idea.

How about.... umm... Nah, I need all the ideas for myself, I won't waste them here. ... oy... Damn, I type a lot...
Metroid is too balanced as it is to start adding a lot of new stuff.  If we're talking MP2, let's start with adding some of the 2D moves first before we go and add a whole bunch of new stuff. (i.e. I want my screw attack and speed boost)

For 2D Metroid, I think the changes they've made already have been pretty good.  For one, the power grip (Yes Rox, I think it's good). It seems like a logical progression and it doesn't mess with the core gameplay too much. Actually it makes things a little easier for the most part.  I say for the most part because on some occassions it's actually been a curse that aided in my death.

The wall and ceiling grips in Fusion were something new and the magnetic track in ZM is an interesting change-up. The designers used it well in some of the puzzles.  The diffussion missles can make like Samus post-final boss and bugger off.

Generally, I think Metroid is doing fine with these small changes and as long as the designers keep them relatively small, I'll certainly welcome them. I also think that Metroid will stay fresh not only by making small additions to the gameplay, but mostly through the environments and puzzles. If they make the locales well and incorporate puzzles that utilize combinations of your suit's abilities in ways that aren't particularly obvious, then I won't really care if they don't change a thing.

However, I've always thought they should incorporate a third suit that's greater than the Gravity; something along the lines of the Phazon Suit (of which I am acutely obsessed with  :D ).  They should also put special hidden items deep inside the most unobvious of places to reward intrepid players.  Like, if they added a third suit pickup, even if it didn't increase her capabilities and only changed her appearance, they should hide it away and make it very hard to find and discount it from 100% pickups so you'll really not know it's there.

As fun as it is to get 100%, I find myself hoping there's more to find and other large areas to explore.
changes in metroids...

where to begin..

first: I am in envy of your plushy cthulhu.

2D -
I would think it would actually be pretty interesting to have samus need to "switch" beams in 2d like she does in prime, instead of always getting stronger, you'd have to worry about what beam to use on certain enemies..  I prefered how metroid 2 made you CHOOSE if you wanted Spazer (Wide spread) or Plasma (thin, but more damaging) and overall, its just interesting.  The beam combo's would be very cool 2d as well...but, super metroid already has this implemented, just most people don't use it or know about it.

The grips i like, quite a bit, though the ladders are something i could do without.  (I heard zero mission didn't have any, good.) I've also seen that zero mission now has a boostball type powerup, and that was necessary from the start.

I think they could implement the visors into 2d as well, doing it like splinter cell does, and just changing the entire screen.  Perhaps there would be some sort of nightvision that would effect everything from that point on, but before you have it, its too dark to get through certain rooms....unless you have them memorized, of course... then again, this is an ability that samus already has within the suit.

Anyone remember that creepy beam thingy that was in the *very first* "metroid 4" video? yeah, that'd be cool... same with the running up walls and whatnot that they cut out for whatever reason.

hell, anything that messed with gravity would be cool... perhaps an item that turns gravity around for her suit, so shes walking on ceilings and jumping down instead of..normal.. this could just be applied to certain area's of the game, but would definately be interesting.

shes now part metroid, she should be able to do things that she could never previously do... maybe there should be a new beam that latches onto an enemy, absorbs it, and then turns into a weapon themed by that enemy for X amount of shots?  could really work well in puzzles and other things, but... maybe im leaving the realm of metroid with this.

Also: is there any way to pull of the "Crystal Flash" in any game but super? I love that thing, its just fucking COOL.

I don't think that screw attack or shinespark will ever work in the first person perspective... it just would be horribly awkward and..well... "meh"
Same with walljump, could you imagine how disorienting that would be?

However, i do think they need to bring speedbooster into the game, doesn't seem that difficult to implement.. though it would need another button or so...

I think they should do multiple beam combo type deal... not the missile+beam combo, but use the diagonals...

its currently like this.
Wave  +  Ice

so, with a slight bit of changing so that powers that shouldn't overlap (Ice + plasma) don't overlap...  i think they could set it up like this.
Plasma + Ice

which allows for:
Charge: typical rapid fire we all know and love, chargeable
Charge + Plasma = stronger rapid fire than normal beam, can be charged for a big glob of superheated energy.
Charge + Ice = faster than normal ice, but also not nearly as potent.. charge is same as it is now, but can be used to freeze water as well.
Plasma: same as it used to be, no charge... maybe a slight arc in its fire.
Ice: slower but stronger than currently (scary, eh?) higher chance of freezing.
Plasma + Wave= a semi seeking-slow firing plasma blast, very erratic... but generally hits the mark...drips a trail behind it... just cause it looks cool
Wave + Ice = 3 ice blasts shoot out, circling eachother, not slow at all.
Wave: 3 beams of the purple energy circling eachother, can go through walls...

something like that, (though those aren't good examples)

I think that the grappling beam should allow you to hang from something, AND shoot at the same time, perhaps holding R while using the grappling beam would allow you to look around, target something, and fire.  To go along with this, the magnetic zip things in zero mission would be attached to with the grappler beam, and they would whip you down their path, as you have to blast everything out of the way.

....thats about everything i have for now.
Quote from Syl_Aran:
I don't think that screw attack or shinespark will ever work in the first person perspective... it just would be horribly awkward and..well... "meh"
Same with walljump, could you imagine how disorienting that would be?

If a game that seems as disorienting as Sonic the Hedgehog can be made in 3D, I think they can do the screw attack.  I mean, it's her trademark move, it's almost necessary.  One of my friends had an idea of how they could do the screw attack via some alteration of the Sonic the Hedgehog method of adapting 2D to 3D.  His idea seemed like it could work but drawing board and prototype are two different things.  Retro has a lot of creative people and they'd just need to be careful with it.  They managed to make first-person jumping a snap so I think they have what it takes.

You can only fear my plushy Cthulhu.
Why not do space jump/screw attack like they do morph ball? Hell, why not just have the entire game in third person?  Shinespark and walljump could work this way, too.
Ready and willing.
Quote from RoboBlob:
1.Why not do space jump/screw attack like they do morph ball?
2. Hell, why not just have the entire game in third person?

1. It happens too often, so it would be jarring to jump back and forth from first to third person so often. With morph ball, it's already a change, so a perspective change just flows.

2. Because then it would either be to hard to hit anything, or the targeting would make it feel like a cheap Zelda knockoff.
Screw attack in a 1st-person perspective won't really work, I reckon--or at least not the way it did in the earlier games.  If it did, you'd basically have to change perspectives every time you JUMPED.  If it was all 1st-person, and you just became sort of "electrified" when you jumped, that would work...although it's obviously a bit different.

I also think shinespark would work fine in 3D.  You wouldn't even have to switch perspectives to do it--if the rooms are designed with it in mind (how much room you have to run to build up a "charge", for example), then it would only really be useful where it's DESIGNED to be...just like in the other games.  For that matter, it'd certainly add a whole new dimension to sequence-breaking--but that goes without saying.

I wouldn't mind seeing a 2D Metroid on Gamecube.  A lot of morphball-only tunnels in Prime are basically 2D anyway.  I HATE 3rd-person 3D games, which is why I left Mario games behind after the 64 one came out...and I'd hate to have that happen to the Metroid series.  Then again, I initially thought a 1st-person Metroid would suck, so that goes to show what I know.  Prove me wrong again, Retro!

And if it sounds like I'm Prime-bashing, I'm not.  I own NO other game systems other than the Gamecube, and I only bought that so I could play Prime--I don't own any other games, and don't really care to.  I guess the status of "casual" gamer applies here.
Samus Lauren
I think it would be great if we had the screw attack in the next game, but its such risky business. Youd have to do everything just right, the camera, the third/first person view, etc, etc. But, if Retro could pull it off right, it would look so great in the game.