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I wanna see a room with a scenario like this:

You have to shoot 2 shot blocks while in midair then morph and go through the opening you just made.  Of course the shot blocks would have to only be 2 high, one on top of the other, otherwise you wouldn't have to morph to go through the opening.  Or maybe it could be a gate.  The basic idea is this:  jump, shoot gate/shot blocks, mid-air morph.  i have yet to see a hack that required a move like that, if it exists then please tell me so I can go play it.
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
Shot blocks, even when set to respawn, take something like five-eight seconds, so it'd have to be set up with walljumps or something to be effective at all. I can't think of any way to make it aesthetically pleasing, but maybe Crys can.
There's no way to make them respawn in only a couple of seconds?
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Quote from Bolognab:
You know how if you're in a morphball tunnel and there's a crumble block ahead of you you can lay a bomb and jump over that crumble block? You can do that with three crumble blocks also. Therefore you can get that hijump without mockballing or boosting. Don't see how anyone could misunderstand.

Bomb timer is not the same. I though you could tell from the video.
Beside mockballing is easier to learn then doing that.

Quote from Opium:
There's no way to make them respawn in only a couple of seconds?

You can! But you would have to find the code for it. And I can't code! :P

I won't do the puzzle in any case. This is not the skilled based type of hack.

Trying some new things in steamfair. Feel free to discuses the hack! =)
Quote from Crys:
Bomb timer is not the same. I though you could tell from the video.

So? You only need one bomb. Okay, this is getting off-toppic, sorry GK.
You can actually go semi-off-topic in a Hacks & Fangames Thread where content has been shown. It ain't a big problem. :P
I have a question about the map. Are you just going to delete the entire thing, or are you going to make a more extensive change? Sorry if this has been answered before.
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Quote from Pheonix:
I have a question about the map. Are you just going to delete the entire thing, or are you going to make a more extensive change? Sorry if this has been answered before.

This is a full hack so the whole game play map will be re-worked.
As for an in-game navigation map. I am not using it at all this hack is map free. =)
I would like it much better if you did have a map.  :(
I suggest having a map in your hack. UNLESS rooms are going to be overlapping.or doors will be going in strange directions. for example, what happened in Revolution EX--

here's an example:
room1  doors  room2
------          -----
        I <--->I      I
        I        I      I
        I<-I    I      I
------    I    I      I
            I--->I      I

see the bottom door? That happened constantly in my hack, and is why I have no map in my hack.
or in other words:Make no map. if you have a good reason. Wink
Edit history:
Bolognab: 2008-10-07 07:56:48 pm
That's all easily avoidable with a good room plan and map layout/expanding rooms to fit together with the doors.

Well I guess it's not as easily avoidable as it sounds...
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Actualy, The game do now over leap.

But thats not the point here! ;<D

Quote from ZephyrZx:

Yes! ^.^
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!

I actualy prefer maps in hacks, as it saves me writing so many darned notes to help me remember door / blocks / passageways to come back to later.
I just wander aimlessly until I come across a place that I can access. Not having a map won't bother me.
I definitely prefer maps. 
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
Everyone prefers maps, except for about two people. :|
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
* Crys stabs people that wants map

... Anyway.

A month or so after Ice Metal is out I will give out an sort of "Players guide".
It will have a map, item placement, all secrets, and some art work by me. (And some fan work if there will be any)
It will also pack with all .GFX files and .TPL files. And some IPS patches of the other modes other then normal.

And no I'm not charging any thing. Even if I could I would not. -.-;
Fear Me! (Or else...)
So you're locking this rom? That could be useful.
Why are you so obsessed with locking roms? >_> You asked incessantly about it even before coming remotely close to finishing a major hack. It's up to the player how he or she wants to play games.

NOTHING AT ALL that Green Kirby said suggested that he would lock the rom. ...what the? Useful? How could locking the rom be useful in any possible way?
Quote from Bioniclegenius:
So you're locking this rom? That could be useful.

Obsession. For Men.
Fear Me! (Or else...)
No, it's just I think that he wouldn't need to release a player's guide if anybody could just see the rom. It's a valid question.
Some people actually don't look at the roms when playing.  If he wants to release a "player's guide" he can.  It's his hack.
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
If you have to look in an editor to beat a game there is one of the two problems:

1. The game is to hard.
2. The player is to lazy to experience the hard work that was putted into the making the game.

... And seriously, I am getting sick of people here that opens hacks in SMILE. It's like taking a dump in the makers face.

I'm trying to make sure people do NOT open the ROM in SMILE by providing both palette files, gfx files, and a type of players guide with all the secrets in.
I hope that will prevent people from opening it in SMILE. :/
Edit history:
aigamerDS: 2008-10-10 02:40:23 am
Quote from Crys:
If you have to look in an editor to beat a game there is one of the two problems:

1. The game is to hard.
2. The player is to lazy to experience the hard work that was putted into the making the game.

... And seriously, I am getting sick of people here that opens hacks in SMILE. It's like taking a dump in the makers face.

I'm trying to make sure people do NOT open the ROM in SMILE by providing both palette files, gfx files, and a type of players guide with all the secrets in.
I hope that will prevent people from opening it in SMILE. :/

I wish I could provide my locking patch but everybody doesn't want it. Do you want it crys? (Althrough it's not going to completely lock it anyway since it's a simple lock.) Oh wait! You're making your own lock. Nevermind Embarassed