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Zhs2: 2008-09-28 04:54:22 pm
Quote from Acheron86:
Well, this hack won't be done any time soon, Zhs2.

Not saying it will be, but I'd sure like another "not meant for Boostball" SM that doesn't incorporate the Boostball before every one of them has Boostball.

Quote from BloodSonic:
What do you have against the boostball?

I have nothing against the boostball itself. I have everything against the fact that people will have an attitude akin to, "Ohmigod! There's a Boostball patch out for Super Metroid! I need to apply it to my latest hack in progress NAOUGHW!"

Like I said before, my vote is no for now. Unless people are going to take the Bloodsonic/DMantra approach and be creative with what they have, rather than attach the Boostball patch just because it's there, I won't be swayed.

EDIT: TL;DR, I'm leaving it up to the community and hoping they'll be creative, but I'm being skeptical about it for now. Hope that edit clears up any confusion people might have...
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
I do see where zhs2 is coming here.
And he got a point.

I would love to try out some puzzles with the boostball.

Unlike some ASM hacks. This one adds more freedom to the player. And that is some thing I like.

How ever... like Zhs2 said. There are bad points also with it. As it may be over rated.
On the other hand, my hack is not that far in any way.

That's why I am asking for opinions. =)
I suppose if I had to vote yes or no for boost ball in ice metal, I'd have to vote, "Yes".  It's pretty new to 2D Super Metroid and so it has lots of untapped potential.  Also, the maker of ice metal, Crys, mentions he or she would like to have it in, with puzzles that has boost ball as a requirement.  I think the original hacker's wishes for their hack should always take first place.  No one can ever satisfy everyone....  :-)
What I like is that HJ and springball are packaged. At least use that part of the asm.
I HATE it when you get springball JUST before screw attack..
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Kraids area is 100% done. Moving on to steamfair.

Also, if I use boost ball. Spring ball will come packed with that and not HJ.
Mainly since I already placed spring ball.
yay early springball! :D (amirite?)
and yay progress! good luck with steamfair! :D
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Not much of an update. But I though I would draw an outline map so you guys can see a bit how the areas will be connected.

Not sure if I will do hell or not, yet.
Quote from Crys:
Not much of an update. But I though I would draw an outline map so you guys can see a bit how the areas will be connected.

Not sure if I will do hell or not, yet.

I like the idea of doing a HELL
Nice map. :-D I'll give you points for that one. BTW, the names on there FTW.

And, yes, do Hell. Make Satan part of the background in a one block room, if ya can. Like an Easter Egg, or something. laugh new
I know its called hell and crap but, it includes ridiculous amount of heat runs? :<
Edit history:
aigamerDS: 2008-10-01 12:25:38 am
Quote from ZephyrZx:
I know its called hell and crap but, it includes ridiculous amount of heat runs? :<

How about freeze run? Just convert Hot Norfair to Icy Norfair with "HEAT BIT"

Remember in Metroid Fusion when Samus enter the freezer, she takes damage.

Do the same here too Crys.

That way, you don't have to ruin your title "Ice metal".
Edit history:
Crys: 2008-10-01 02:24:16 am
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Quote from aigamerDS:
Quote from ZephyrZx:
I know its called hell and crap but, it includes ridiculous amount of heat runs? :<

How about freeze run? Just convert Hot Norfair to Icy Norfair with "HEAT BIT"

Remember in Metroid Fusion when Samus enter the freezer, she takes damage.

Do the same here too Crys.

That way, you don't have to ruin your title "Ice metal".

Oh, I think there is a miss understanding. Hell is not really what you think when you read the name. I just don't got a better name for the secret area yet.

Also, I did redraw a few of the main tiles in the steamfair tile set. I need to re-draw most of them since they are kinda borked.

A trained eye can see the change. Not done with corner tiles yet. (I'm lazy you know. XD )

This also boosts the % of steamfair up to 5!  :P

Comment please!  Rolling Eyes

Some people my wonder how I can have a heat area and a ice area so close to each other in my hack. Well take a look at this chart.

Thats the plan. Sorta...
OMG FLAN!!!!!!!
Your doors look really kind of religious in a way. Iono. The just look like something that would be in a church.


no not really. someone else can.

I think you need a bit more variation with the colors. I always like when a room has more than 1 main color. Right now you've just got brown, but I think you should put another color in there too. Though I don't really know what would go well with brown... Just my opinion.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Hmm, I'm not so sure on those brown blocks above.  They look okay, but they just make Samus look out of place...  These things often look better in-game, though, so I'll wait and see.  Very Happy
(user is banned)
Breathe in the Future, Breathe out the Past
Quote from Sadiztik Fish:

I've actually been doing this, it works well aesthetically if you get it right. Give it a try!
Now that i think about it, those tiles, if they were brighter it would LOOK exactly like hell xd
Quote from Crys:
Some people my wonder how I can have a heat area and a ice area so close to each other in my hack. Well take a look at this chart.

Thats the plan. Sorta...

But hot air rises, so that won't work... you should probably switch it so that the water is at the bottom, and the hot air is at the top.
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Quote from Gamma_Metroid:
Quote from Crys:
Some people my wonder how I can have a heat area and a ice area so close to each other in my hack. Well take a look at this chart.
Thats the plan. Sorta...

But hot air rises, so that won't work... you should probably switch it so that the water is at the bottom, and the hot air is at the top.

Shhhhh! Don't question video game logics!
Bolognab should be angry with you for doing that.

Quote from Crys:
Quote from Gamma_Metroid:
Quote from Crys:
Some people my wonder how I can have a heat area and a ice area so close to each other in my hack. Well take a look at this chart.
Thats the plan. Sorta...

But hot air rises, so that won't work... you should probably switch it so that the water is at the bottom, and the hot air is at the top.

Shhhhh! Don't question video game logics!

Why?  It should make sense if you want that feel of reality in the game.
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Quote from Gamma_Metroid:

Why?  It should make sense if you want that feel of reality in the game.

I made a new ...thingy... JUST for you!


And since I need to have more than one word...I guess I like the brick thingys,
Fear Me! (Or else...)
Yeah, but those pipes sticking up out of the middle of the floor and samus's suits both look a little out-of-place in there. The graphics style is different, not the colorings. The pipes in particular, they look a little 2D.

Edit: Never mind about the suit, although you may want to bring out the red in the head a bit more - as it is, it just looks wrong with the rest.
I think the background could use some work.

Quote from Bioniclegenius:
The pipes in particular, they look a little 2D.

This is a 2-D game, so it sort of makes sense to have it like that.
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
For the record. I do read all comments and work a bit from them...

Any way. I have runed inot a road block.      ....And you can fix it!

I am designing rooms for steamfair. And I want to put in my first boost ball puzzle!  ....but!
But I still don't know if I should put in boost ball or not. :/
Eh, whatev. I say go for it if you're implementing it. I hope you will be able think of lots of creative applications if the BoostBall will be applied to your hack, is all. I wish you the best of luck with your imagination! Wink

BTW, your sig isn't evil. :P