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This seems like the appropiate thread to ask this, as Crys would also know for sure:

I have a patch of Ice Metal, obviously not the one being worked on on this thread, that I got on this forum.  I'm wondering if this version is actually beatable.  Is it possible to play it until the credits roll??
Quote from FirePhoenix0:
Your graphics have a major style clash compared with the original SM Norfair tiles.  I think one of the reasons is your heavy use of outlines around everything in your tiles.  SM graphics in general don't have them , so to place them up against a set that uses them a lot makes it clash.
I'm just glad to see new graphics.  :P
Edit history:
Crys: 2008-10-15 05:45:27 pm
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Glad you like it Bloodsonic.
Quote from BiggestSchnoz:
This seems like the appropiate thread to ask this, as Crys would also know for sure:

I have a patch of Ice Metal, obviously not the one being worked on on this thread, that I got on this forum.  I'm wondering if this version is actually beatable.  Is it possible to play it until the credits roll??

mmmmm, yeah it is. How ever... there are some issues with that one.... ^_^;

...I'm not very proud of that.... "hack" ... :/

EDIT: It may fuck up during the escape depending on what version you have. But you can beat mother brain.
wait. steamfair has 3 different color variations?
norfair only has 2.
how did you manage that?
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
You could use twenty palettes for tilesets if you wanted. Just takes some simple repointing.
Edit history:
Crys: 2008-10-21 12:14:05 pm
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
A bit of an update.
I will be working some more on Ice Metal next week hopefully since I'm free from school then.

(considering I dumped my Halloween project)

I may be able to get this done till new year. I won't promise any thing though. But looking on the video game front there is not much (beside Cave Story wii) that will keep me busy.

I will see if I can get SMC up before new year. The site is online but... not much to see yet. Link (I know about the broken stuff and link on the site)

Edit: Oh yeah, The % meter in the first post is a bit of since I am working on the hack. But I am not working on some thing listed there.
Quote from G-Krys:
(I know about the broken link on the site)

Not only that, but most of the pictures on the index page (the tabs gifs) are all broken too. Did you throw that index page together in a minute or so? laugh new
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Quote from Zhs2:
Not only that, but most of the pictures on the index page (the tabs gifs) are all broken too. Did you throw that index page together in a minute or so? laugh new

My point was not to show of an awesome site. I was just showing what I am working on.

Also, Take this pic with including spoiler tags.
Quote from G-Krys:
My point was not to show of an awesome site. I was just showing what I am working on.

Ok, so maybe my exaggeration was indeed overkill. I know it's not supposed to look awesome, but you coulda at least proofread your html before setting it up, make sure all the links work, etcetera, etcetera. That's what I'm saying.

Also, is that a PLM? :-s
Sweet!!  There's going to be a green Kirby in this hack!!  8-)  8-)  Looking forward to seeing him in play.  grin new
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Quote from BiggestSchnoz:
Sweet!!  There's going to be a green Kirby in this hack!!  8-)  8-)  Looking forward to seeing him in play.  grin new

It have to do with the contests I'm planing to run. =)
Quote from Crys:
Quote from BiggestSchnoz:
Sweet!!  There's going to be a green Kirby in this hack!!  8-)  8-)  Looking forward to seeing him in play.  grin new

It have to do with the contests I'm planing to run. =)
>.> whaaaat?
the green kirby thing doesn't look right.
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Update. Sewers is more or less done.
I finally took the time to sit down and draw this BG.
The palette is subjected to change. (And a few edits of the tiles aswell)

It looks a bit better in motion.
Not sure how those BG layers move, but just looking at a still shot the background looks nearly as prominent as the foreground.  Can you make the background more faint ?
Edit history:
Bloodsonic: 2008-10-22 06:59:42 pm
Quote from Opium:
Not sure how those BG layers move, but just looking at a still shot the background looks nearly as prominent as the foreground.  Can you make the background more faint ?
You should make the palette darker IMO.

BTW the BG needs MOAR STUFF!
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
Pretty good job on the BG, though there's a lot more black space than I'd recommend. And yes, the pipes need to be a darker color of green.
I just realized that the BG looks like that screensaver with the pipes...
Looks good, but I wouldn't know it was a sewer unless I was told.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
This is probably solved while playing, as it'd look different, but my concern would be the dark suit on a dark background with dark scenery everywhere, leading to problems with movement.  I hope not, though.
Quote from Quietus:
my concern would be the dark suit on a dark background with dark scenery everywhere

sounds like darkness spreads 2
Super Metroid Addict
It doesn't look like a sewer to me. The green thingies in the background give it a neon-ish feeling imo
Green-Kirby, ROAR!

Not sure if it's much darker but... meh.

And there is no problem seeing samus in-game. + You can always turn of suit upgrades.
Some suggestions on that matter:
- Pipes with sewage leaking from them? (both open pipes and broken/cracked pipes, the latter idea you should follow if they are older sewers?)
- Pipes facing other directions than running horizontally and vertically? (could be joined with above idea for more aesthetics)
- A larger impression of you being in an enclosed tunnel (hence being sewers,) rather than an enormous black void?

EDIT: Whoops, I didn't realize you followed suggestions #1 and #2 already without staring at your shot. Make more obvious, plox?
Green-Kirby, ROAR!

<< Couldn't resist. winky
It's still a black hole. >_> That's the first thing I'm gonna say. Isn't there a way so that you can make a background behind all that pipe material? Like, the BG layer can be some non-empty space, while the pipes are on Layer 2 or summat? (Forgive me, I don't hack Super Metroid.)

I like what you did already, though. Looks like the sewers ain't done yet!