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Ohmigod. I've never used a Mac before. Damn, it's confusing compared to a Windows OS.

Anyways... @BionicleGenius:
You know those special tiles in Smile that look like "Screw Attack" blocks? Those blocks are actually only destroyed upon contact with an enemy sprite, like the Dirt Digger or the Baby Metroid, like Zeph said.

Anyways, for that rock formation with the missiles in it, I wouldn't try anything unless I had X-ray visor, personally. It's just too much guesswork, unless the bottom is immediately bombable.
Quote from Zhs2:
Anyways, for that rock formation with the missiles in it, I wouldn't try anything unless I had X-ray visor, personally. It's just too much guesswork, unless the bottom is immediately bombable.
Evil or Very Mad
"too much guesswork"? But the point of Super metroid is to collect UNLIMITED POWER!!!!

@Bioniclegenius: Play my hack/ Hack my hack for more info on the sprite blocks.
I'm putting my wager on hidden crumble super grapple blocks in which is an solid enemy exactly 17 X 17 pixels that is only killable by xraying it to stun it, then freezing it with a charged ice/spazer, then finally shattering it with a regular missile. Oh yeah, and it respawns.
Fear Me! (Or else...)
Lol, wouldn't that take a ridiculous ammount of ASM coding, and be virtually impossible? Nobody would ever figure it out except for the uber-geeks who have nothing to do and no purpose in life except to unravel the mysteries of life (and Super Metroid hacks [Oh yeah, baby! lol]), right? And anyways, he would tell us in a spoiler or something if it was, wouldn't he? Right, guys? Hello? *cricket chirps in background* Anybody there? *Cricket leaves* ... Uh oh.
Edit history:
Crys: 2009-08-02 01:58:26 pm
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Quote from Bioniclegenius:
Lol, wouldn't that take a ridiculous ammount of ASM coding, and be virtually impossible? Nobody would ever figure it out except for the uber-geeks who have nothing to do and no purpose in life except to unravel the mysteries of life (and Super Metroid hacks [Oh yeah, baby! lol]), right? And anyways, he would tell us in a spoiler or something if it was, wouldn't he? Right, guys? Hello? *cricket chirps in background* Anybody there? *Cricket leaves* ... Uh oh.

No, I would not tell you if you where right; That would spoil it!

Update later today! =)
Quote from Cardweaver:
I'm putting my wager on hidden crumble super grapple blocks in which is an solid enemy exactly 17 X 17 pixels that is only killable by xraying it to stun it, then freezing it with a charged ice/spazer, then finally shattering it with a regular missile. Oh yeah, and it respawns.

Quote from Bioniclegenius:
Lol, wouldn't that take a ridiculous ammount of ASM coding, and be virtually impossible? Nobody would ever figure it out except for the uber-geeks who have nothing to do and no purpose in life except to unravel the mysteries of life (and Super Metroid hacks [Oh yeah, baby! lol]), right? And anyways, he would tell us in a spoiler or something if it was, wouldn't he? Right, guys? Hello? *cricket chirps in background* Anybody there? *Cricket leaves* ... Uh oh.

Actually, I agree it would require LOTS of ASM, but I disagree about it being virtually impossible.  The skill would be nothing short of amazing though....
Quote from Bioniclegenius:
Nobody would ever figure it out except for the uber-geeks who have nothing to do and no purpose in life except to unravel the mysteries of life (and Super Metroid hacks [Oh yeah, baby! lol

You just described half of the people in here.
I find that post mean and degrading =(
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
Yeah, joking generalizations are unacceptable here. Don't do it again.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Quote from Cardweaver:
I'm putting my wager on hidden crumble super grapple blocks in which is an solid enemy exactly 17 X 17 pixels that is only killable by xraying it to stun it, then freezing it with a charged ice/spazer, then finally shattering it with a regular missile. Oh yeah, and it respawns.

I should add that Cardweaver forgot to mention that all this must be done in Morph Ball form while aiming up.
don't forget you gotta crystal flash after that, along with a murder beam to kill the respawning enemy

Also, don't forget to use your Blue Suit charge to rocket jump into the next area, where you must immediately set off a Power Bomb or face the penalty of dying.
What's the matter with you all?!
First, you gotta use the charge grapple to reach the respawning Mother brain, to obtain the bluesuit to destroy both of the hyper missile blocks and then use insom's new boost ball coding to reach the missile pack behind the invisible barrier.

..When (and if) I play ice metal, I'm gonna run the hell away from that missile pack. laugh new
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
Try to stay on-topic, dudes.
i killed the horse, they kept kicking it :<.

anyways, crys, any hint on that mysterious missile?
Sorry Acheron. My randomness can be contagious. In all seriousness, I actually believe you must come from above to get the missile.
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Quote from ZephyrZx:
i killed the horse, they kept kicking it :<.

anyways, crys, any hint on that mysterious missile?

Yeah sure. You have all been wrong so far.

My hack is not un fair. There is a good hint for how to get this missile. It's just that the hint is not on this screen.
I just wanted to see how many would try and bomb all the walls first.

I don't like the idea with forcing the player to bomb all the walls to find some thing.

Edit: Cardweaver got the right idea at least.
Quote from Cardweaver:
Sorry Acheron. My randomness can be contagious.

Pfeh. Who said we couldn't have a little fun after someone broke hearts? laugh new *cough* Ahem. Well, back to your regularly scheduled post.

Quote from Crys:
My hack is not unfair. There is a good hint for how to get this missile. It's just that the hint is not on this screen.
I just wanted to see how many would try and bomb all the walls first.

The above bolded isn't fair. How can we tell?
Meh, in every hack, i bomb every crevice and wall i see near an upgrade, unless its obvious enough... well, at least till i get the x-ray, then i beam every single crevice and wall i see near an upgrade... ._.
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Quote from Zhs2:
Quote from Crys:
My hack is not unfair. There is a good hint for how to get this missile. It's just that the hint is not on this screen.
I just wanted to see how many would try and bomb all the walls first.

The above bolded isn't fair. How can we tell?

As I mentioned. You can't tell how to get the expension from that screen. I was just trying to see how many would try and bomb the walls with out a hint. I asure you, there will be hints! =)
But try not to make them TOO hint..ful? xd

for example...

Square 3x3 section, with a missile inside

What to expect: either a invisible path, or a bomb/missile block, crumbling block
What not to expect: a 1x1 speedboost block, monster breakable block, can't think of anything else..
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
As I mentioned before, I do update the % table in the first post.

Any ways!
A boost ball patch have been made by insom. (Like you did not know)
So I plan on having boost ball in my hack, but....

It depends though; I want to know if you, want boost ball in the hack!  laugh new
Quote from G-Krys:
It depends though; I want to know if you want boost ball in the hack!

Is it possible to start a poll in an already created topic? Just wondering...

For now, though, my vote is no. I'd like to see another vanilla changes "use-what-you've-got" +newGraphics SM hack before every hack incorporates Boost Ball... besides Eris, of course (which I secretly also hope doesn't convert...)
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
Well, this hack won't be done any time soon, Zhs2.

Yes to boostball.
I was fooling around with the boostball item for days, and god, it is so fun.
Add the boost ball!

@Zhs2: What do you have against the boostball?