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Quote from Crys:
Anyway, I still got free space in the tileset after inserting Broozer's tiles. Any suggestions on how to fill it up?
That would add a lot to your tileset there IMO.
Go ahead. Stare.
I believe Crys already has a BG planned from her other post and would still have tiles leftover for use. If not, then definitely go for the BG.
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Quote from MetroidMst:
I believe Crys already has a BG planned from her other post and would still have tiles leftover for use. If not, then definitely go for the BG.

Yes that!  Rolling Eyes
OMG FLAN!!!!!!!
I actually like that bright green palette. It's different from most hacks (and very different from mine). Honestly I have no idea what people are complaining about when they say the palette hurts their eyes... It's not like looking at the sun.

Keep up the nice work Crys! grin new
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Quote from Sadiztik Fish:
I actually like that bright green palette. It's different from most hacks (and very different from mine). Honestly I have no idea what people are complaining about when they say the palette hurts their eyes... It's not like looking at the sun.

Problem is that it's a bright color next to black it hurts the eyes.

Also: Click for pictures with BG in them!
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
All of the rooms in the cave area have been fixed up with the new tileset. One of the BG's have been done and one more to go.
Now I just need to make three or four new rooms and the map is all connected. Then maybe my beta tester won't be so fucking confused like last time...  Rolling Eyes
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Testing, testing!

Any thing you would want to see in this hack, or should I go back to the drawing board?

(There are two ground tiles. I will go with the one to the right)

PS: Ignore the background.
I can't even tell what I'm supposed to be seeing in that shot.  Could you take another with layer 2 and 3 turned off?
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Sure, why not. But you will never see these tiles ingame with out some sort of FX1 over them. :<
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
It looks like a hoard of rays swimming around. Shocked
Go ahead. Stare.
I like how the floor/ceiling looks, but you seem to have happy blue blobs underneath... I think it just looks a little too happy for SM. Although, I don't think I'd notice it very much when under water or some other FX1 effect you plan on having.
OMG FLAN!!!!!!!
Quote from MetroidMst:
I like how the floor/ceiling looks, but you seem to have happy blue blobs underneath... I think it just looks a little too happy for SM. Although, I don't think I'd notice it very much when under water or some other FX1 effect you plan on having.

No. Happy would be Jathys' little beach hut and cute little table with a banana. I'd call this somewhat less dark and scary than usual.

Anyway Crys I really like the blue palette blend you have without the layer3. It's a really nice color, so I think it'd look better with a darker/clearer liquid over it. Try EB as the blend with the "darkens liquid" effect in Layer3 FX?
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Quote from Sadiztik Fish:
Quote from MetroidMst:
I like how the floor/ceiling looks, but you seem to have happy blue blobs underneath... I think it just looks a little too happy for SM. Although, I don't think I'd notice it very much when under water or some other FX1 effect you plan on having.

No. Happy would be Jathys' little beach hut and cute little table with a banana. I'd call this somewhat less dark and scary than usual.

Anyway Crys I really like the blue palette blend you have without the layer3. It's a really nice color, so I think it'd look better with a darker/clearer liquid over it. Try EB as the blend with the "darkens liquid" effect in Layer3 FX?

Aye, I'm just trying out how it looks with liquid in general over it. I will look into FX later on. =)
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
I quit. ;(
. . .
. . .

damn it Crys! Your probably gonna come back again two weeks from now and start again...

and if not...

damn it Crys! Stop messing with our heads.:( We all wanted to play this. WHY CRYS WHY?!?!?
Go ahead. Stare.
Quote from squishy_ichigo:

Maybe because it is April 1st? Rolling Eyes
. . .
oh yeah...

damn it, I hate April Fools Day, I fall for everything a swear...


[11:08:57 AM]  < Aile> police cam by
[11:09:04 AM]  < Aile> I am getting evicted...
[11:09:06 AM]  < Aile> :|
[11:09:16 AM]  < itsblah> ...wait what right now?
[11:09:31 AM]  < Aile> APRIL FOOLS! NYAHNYANYA!
[11:09:34 AM]  < Aile> XP
[11:09:34 AM]  < squishy_ichigo> lol
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Me likes. Very Happy  Certainly, the grapple into spin jump will be much more useful that the old way. (At least if you fail, you might not just fall helplessly...)
Edit history:
Crys: 2009-04-07 08:12:18 pm
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Fine, here is a more intresting update!

Guess the item! :<

(That's samus BTW)
Go ahead. Stare.
I would say Morph Ball.
Quote from Crys:
Fine, here is a more intresting update!

Guess the item! :<

(That's samus BTW)

Wait...where's samus?  That green morph ball?  Do I really want to know?  Is this a major spoiler ?
Quote from Crys:
Guess the item! :<

A big nose?
Phazon Vasteel Autobot
Quote from Crys:
Guess the item! :<

Two possibilities: Varia Suit or Spring Ball
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
To make it a bit more clear. I did allready pick up the item.