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Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Welcome to the lower parts of the sewers, enjoy your stay!
Looks awesome. Are you using the wacky transparency FX1 settings?
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Quote from Project XVIII:
Looks awesome. Are you using the wacky transparency FX1 settings?

Yep, I am.
Scrutinous Bastard
I'm liking the area looks and layouts. extra_smug

The way you used the wacky transparency reminds me of the way some of the MZM transparencies worked.
I cannot begin to express how much I am looking forward to the release of this. 
that looks really cool. do you have the background change at the water level there? that's pretty cool looking
I just think... the background is a bit empty.
OMG FLAN!!!!!!!
Looks awesome GK! grin new Can't wait till this is out.

But are sewers always so intricately detailed, especially on when people would hardly ever go down there? *Not actually critisism, just something funny IMO*

Also, it might be an effect of the transparancies, or possibly your palette, but the green looks really... greyish. *hard to explain*

The colors aren't very strong, they're kinda faded, unlike in the pic up the top.
Go ahead. Stare.
Solid water works great for sewers and I am quite surprised that you used the wacky transparencies in there. All in all I can't say anything bad about it. It looks nice and dark and murky, like sewers should.

I think more Mario-ish pipes would work better than SM pipies though. Just give them an evil look to them. Maybe put some sort of design on them that uses one of the FX1 glows for added effect.
MetroidMst: you shouldn't be suprised; the solid water requires wacky transparencies, unless someone else can manage solid water without it. (more details would be found here.)
Go ahead. Stare.
Not surprised like that. I just wouldn't have tried use WTs in a sewer setting. That combination just seems odd to me. As a side effect the solid water works great though, which may be why GC used it.
. . .
IMO, it would look alot better without a bg.  With the WT, having a bg makes it look weird, since it overlaps and is transparent.
If you REALLY want a bg, you can have the room have no vertical bg scroll, and just draw it in the parts where it will not overlap with the foreground. That way it doesn't have that annoying transparent look.

Unless you like it that way... then just ignore me. :P
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
There is some thing strange about this picture.... hmm

Oh well, you can't blame me for copying some thing good, right?
Green-Kirby, ROAR!

New ball design.
The morphball and that tileset are kind of... meh.. other than that, looks cool.
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
OMG FLAN!!!!!!!
Cool Morphball, though it doesn't seem to match up with the rest of the game (from what I've seen).

Also what strange about the bluish white pic further up?
Quote from Sadiztik Fish:
Also what strange about the bluish white pic further up?

I could be way off but the ground looks like the graphics from mario bros. games. At least to me anyway.
whoops double post ftl.
Who's that Pokemon?
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Anyone remeber back when I made this post?
Here is the cut out map showing what I want to do:

Here is a map of every room I have done so far:

Well no matter, I have an updated map for you all to see.  Rolling Eyes

I'm sure you can tell what area I have been working on.
OMG FLAN!!!!!!!
Oh man. Ice Metal is close me thinks.
You've been working on the Ice area?

Also, at the green elevator on the right side, shouldn't the bottom part be in the red area? That's what it should look like, but I guess that's only from looking at the map.
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Quote from Sadiztik Fish:
Oh man. Ice Metal is close me thinks.
You've been working on the Ice area?

Also, at the green elevator on the right side, shouldn't the bottom part be in the red area? That's what it should look like, but I guess that's only from looking at the map.

It's not an elevator that's why the whole room is one color. :<

I think I have to redo that one room though...
Fear Me! (Or else...)
Sounds a little painful. Are there ledges to get back up, or do you have to wall jump/bomb jump/jump on frozen enemies? Wall-jumping wouldn't be that bad, but for a room that size, it could get tedious. Really looks good, though! Seeing all this progress other people are making is making me want to get more work done on mine....
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
The door is gray so it's a one way down.
Honestly, I think I'll be avoiding this one.

Why? I don't like the GFX in any of the places, not a big fan of your usage of tiles, and because I played Ice the other day and I wanted to kill myself.

I love your criticism though.  laugh new I suggest that everybody take it with a grain of salt since you obviously can't tell the difference between good tiles and bad ones.  Keep up the good work.  Maybe I'll "uninstal" this one some day.