People usually just spell out diagonal, since DBJ was popular in mp1 times to mean double bomb jump... or something. Regardless, when MZZ['s ROM] was first released, "your" way of doing the IBJ, radu, was discovered about instantly, as was the DBJ way of doing it. It was first determined that the normal IBJ would be the way to go, what with the DBJ being less practical/much harder... or something, personally I found the DBJ way of doing it equally difficult and because it was much faster, I just did that. After one of my runs was released, I remember Nate mentioning to me how he didn't think that the DBJ was practical, and I was kinda surprised cause it's so obviously faster... or something like that. Regardless, not a new discovery. This was new in like Metroid II or Super. >_>
Yes, Kejardon's 14/15% SM walkthrough discusses both single and double bomb jumping in depth, with ASCII diagrams, and refers to using both to enter Lower Norfair. That one's dated 2003. There's a move FAQ from 2002, and no reason to think it wasn't known much earlier.
aj, i said it wasn't practical because i (and most others) can't reach your skill. i mean, just to master that bomb jumping of yours is a huge burden on anyone trying to break into zm. i may hate the game, but i have to admit that the stuff that went on between you and scarlet (and a few others) running it was just spectacular and a great chapter in the history of this community.
Not sure what went on between AJ and I..after I saw AJ's video of doing double bomb jumps, I adapted pretty quick, even after a year of not playing it, I was doing them on that PAL rom.
Hahaha.. yeah Nate, those few days there were the greatest. Goddamnit, that's why we need new 2d metroid games... even if you hate them after like a year, the time when they first came out was GREAT. Goddamn! I remember playing the ROM in computer class BEFORE playing it at home... best computer class ever. EVER.
Right after you get the Power Grip, you can IBJ out of the pit instead of waiting for the platforms to appear. It takes 8-10 "volleys" of the DBJ method to get out so it's very likely to screw up somewhere.
Ah, that brings back memories, I had a turbo controller once, and I used it when playing B.O.B on my Snes, but I traded my B.O.B for Adventure Island, well, that's a pretty fun game too.
Well, if you wait a while in the intro screen of Super Metroid, you'll see a little movie of someone bombjumping, that's the technique I've been using since then in SM.
Yeah, I saw those in 1994. But I had an Asciipad instead of a normal controller, and just putting Y on autofire did the bomb jump fine and always got it right, so that's how I bomb jumped in Super until 2003/2004, when I had to do it manually for my NBMB video.
I can sorta do the double bomb jump, but for some reason I can't do it at all at times, and I end up looking really stupid. When I can't do it, I try the normal infinite bomb jump, but its so freakin' slow! I just can't stand it.