My bet's on October or November again to catch the holiday season rush. And that of course opens the door for Nintendo's requisite bundles. But that's just a guess of course.
im betting for early next year (quarter one, marchish, like a bunch of major games) or *HOPEFULLY* it will be a launch game for the N5 (next nintendo system, not official name)
but, i doubt it will come out this year.
they said "you will be playing prime 2 in 2004" you know what? you play games at E3 as well.
prime was originally a cube LAUNCH title, it didn't come out for over a year and zelda was also delayed quite a bit.
Saying that prime 2 comes out this year is a good marketing move, just like saying half-life 2 was coming out september 30th of last year. its obvious that it won't, but if people think it will, then the sales will be up for when it actually comes out.
considering that we've only seen a single video of prime 2, along with one screenshot that is a very early build of a level design.... (er.. its on retro's official site)
I am really doubting prime will make it to market this year, the "will be playing prime 2 in 2004" and the constant mention of it is kinda reaffirming, but without any more details till E3, im betting its still going to be held back till Q1 2005.
i don't want it to be rushed. and as i said before, i would *REALLY* like it to be a launch title for nintendo's next gen system, it would be amazing looking, have enough time to have every play enhancement it could possibly need, and it would be a great selling point for the "n5" It however, isn't my choice. I'm expecting E3 this year to have some major title debuts (and the whole DS thing) if those play out to be enough titles for the end of the year, im doubting that prime 2 is going to be out this year.
but, i could be wrong... pulse: end of summer isn't even a possibility, we would have everything from videos to a playable demo at this point, thats only a few month's away, and they would never finally announce something at E3 thats supposed to come out about a month later.
very late Q4 or Q1 is my bet, im honestly expecting around feb 9th next year...
I'd say wait until May, when E3 rolls around. An interview with one of the VPs of NoA recently said that the Metroid series "is kicking off once more" and that "more of Retro Studio's follow-up to Metroid Prime will be shown at E3". So taking those two quotes, I'd say it's likely that we'll see more of MP2 at E3.
one screenshot that is a very early build of a level design.... (er.. its on retro's official site)
why do you think that picture is of metroid prime 2? because you were told it was?
logical guess, its obviously either metroid prime or prime 2, and that sort of terrain doesn't really look like something that was found in the original prime, of course, things could have considerably changed since then... (considering that was a blank polygonal template with very low geomtetry, no color, and a bluish tint..) find this image: > studios > photos, first image.
anyway, out this summer? how could you possibly believe that?
I know were going to see more of it at E3, but if the next time we see it is E3, then theres no chance it'll be a summer release... that would allow a total of 2 month's for marketing and hype, which is not near enough for something thats as big of a release as MP2, nor is summer a good time to release a game such as this, most huge games wait till holiday.
nintendo has already announced its summer releases, and not a speck of prime 2 (pikmin 2 is also absent, that game was supposed to come out last september!) on it. (though, amazingly, custom robo is finally coming to america!)
summer is way out of the possibility range unless some stuff is released on it by the end of this month or next month. (like a shipping date, oodles of images, that its about ready to go gold and the final version will be at E3) and i seriously doubt thats how it is.
the DS will be nintendos main focus at E3.
later quarter 4 this year, seems plausible, but doubtful. early next year seems ver possible. Pulse: what people "believe" has absolutely no influence on the project unless its a PC game (cause they try their hardest to release the game unfiinished to patch it later, sometimes.) and those "people" most likely don't understand what it takes to make a game.
It is not that they believe it is coming out. There have been many rumors about that release date. But I am starting to think that you are right about the release date not being in summer...Also Ill be able to see what happens in E3 by whatching G4.