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These suggestions are for the forums here.

Reputation Bars

Basically, there is a button to gain some Reputation in which any user can use.
Dependent on how much reputation a user has and also rank, is dependent on
how much reputation points you gain. Say someone with no reputation adding
to another persons reputation will add say, 10 points. At a certain point level,
it will add another bar, and so on. Rank being Moderator, Admin ect.

Fun Moneys

Basically, depending on your post count, reputation ect. you can get M2k2
Currency. Just some fun money. Add on more Missles, Power Bombs, Beams,
Suits. You know, just anything from the Metroid Series. Just an idea to play with.

RPGish type o' deal...?

This isn't really necessary and kind of contradicts that Metroid isn't an RPG.
I only suggested this in case someone else can think of something better.
If it stays an RPG system and is liked, have people gain levels and Currency
from this and what not. I don't generally see this one working, and I also
won't generally care if it isn't added since it isn't Metroid Style. Maybe I can
think of a way to make it Metroid Style.

Tell me what you guys think and add in your own opinions as far as suggestions go for M2k2.
Thread title: 
I like the way repuation can be used on other forums, but I personally tend to not bother adding/subtractinbg from others' rep except extreme circumstances. The other things you mentioned seem rather pointless, though.
Quote from TheGreenManalishi:
I like the way repuation can be used on other forums, but I personally tend to not bother adding/subtractinbg from others' rep except extreme circumstances. The other things you mentioned seem rather pointless, though.

Sure they are pointless, but some people enjoy it.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
http://www.gaiaonline.com/ <----------------
go there.
Quote from Guardian Garr:
Quote from TheGreenManalishi:
I like the way repuation can be used on other forums, but I personally tend to not bother adding/subtractinbg from others' rep except extreme circumstances. The other things you mentioned seem rather pointless, though.

Sure they are pointless, but some people enjoy it.

I enjoy a simple, no-nonsense forum, but that's just me.
Quote from TheGreenManalishi:
Quote from Guardian Garr:
Quote from TheGreenManalishi:
I like the way repuation can be used on other forums, but I personally tend to not bother adding/subtractinbg from others' rep except extreme circumstances. The other things you mentioned seem rather pointless, though.

Sure they are pointless, but some people enjoy it.

I enjoy a simple, no-nonsense forum, but that's just me.

I second that, but that's just me also
This sort of idea may not be implemented anywhere (as in: I've never seen anything like it anywhere before).  I think it's a totally original idea of mine...  But it's along the lines of the 'Reputation' rank.  Lets say you identify yourself as being with the Blue group.  While another person would identify themselves as being with the Red group.  If a Red person ranks a Blue person low - that ups their rank among the other Blue members.

It's like, if one side hates a particular person very much - that increases their popularity among their comrades.

Or, there could be a percentage of 'hated by enemies' rank and 'liked by friends' ranks.

Of course, I suppose a fellow blue or red member could be 'hated' by their fellow blue/red members.

I don't know how that would play out...  Maybe it's not that good of an idea. 

Oh yeah.  Switching teams could be possible.  I'm not sure how it'd affect your "rank".
Well... The group thing isn't a bad idea, but as far as a forum goes, all it would do is start up some sort of flame war.
^^ I concur. We don't need divisions among us, we should be united in love of Metroid!and hatred of Micro$oft
Reputation systems/Monetary systems based on post count/RPG forum mods are not for business forums; they are for less serious, laid-back forums. Do YOU think it's a good idea to have a reputation system in place when the primary focus for a forum is to encourage meaningful, intelligent discussion? I'm sure many people here, point of tomatobob's post included, would disagree.

For more information, see this topic: http://forum.metroid2002.com/index.php/topic,8315.0.html
Feedback and ideas can be posted in the Metroid 2002 boards, btw. So there's a section for it.

Anyway - surprise surprise - I'm with tbob.
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Go back to pokeplushies where you came from. :<

This place does not need shit like that, and if you really want to waste your time on that sort of things then there are other places for it.
Okay.  So 2 votes for the hate meters.  Very Happy
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
We (apperently) used to have a problem basing things on post counts though, it encoraged people to SPAM and useless posts. I prefer to just be a casual poster and just post every now and then, and so do many other people. The idea of reputation would be a very had to implement one, what exactly would improve your reputation; I doubt the mods are going to keep track of your reputation (that's not what they're for), and normal users shouldn't be trusted to keep neither track of theirs nor others.
Quote from tomatobob:
http://www.gaiaonline.com/ <----------------
go there.


also i think if we had reputation bars, we'd get posts like "well i have more reputation than u so ur wrong and fuck off!!", which i don't want.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
If we had reputation bars I'd demand that everyone lower mine. Negative numbers are the best numbers.
Everyone already have a way of building a reputation in this forum.  It's about the quality of your posts, your history, your ideas, etc etc.  The idea of a reputation meter sounds unnecessary and would be nothing but a distraction IMHO.

As far as the idea that used the red-team blue-team scenario, why add something that encourages division in the forums? 

Someone needs to hurry up and release an awesome hack so we have something to talk about.  2010 is too long to wait for Other M.  It's precisely because nothing metroid-related is going on right now that things like this are even coming up at all.  Let's not let our boredom turn us into dweebs.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Reputation bars are basically just an excuse to hate on anything from a person just because they have poor "reputation," in theory, and is completely ludicrous to expect anyone to actually take seriously in practice. Both the idea and the implementation are basically fail.

Quote from Guardian Garr:

RPGish type o' deal...?

This isn't really necessary

I like that you imply that the other suggestions are "necessary." :^)
Quote from JaggerG:
I like that you imply that the other suggestions are "necessary." :^)

Yeah, not at all.

As for the rest:

You can get HTML coding to implement reputation directly on the forum.

When did this forum become business related?

What is pokeplushies? Either way, I am not from there and it sounds like you are trying to insult me.

Check out snesorama.us they use the reputation system and I haven't seen any of that, I have more rep so I mean more, shit.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Quote from Guardian Garr:
When did this forum become business related?

This site, www.metroid2002.com, is built for the purposes of speedrunning the games in the Metroid series.
The forum is an addition, enabling users to discuss said speedrunning.
The social boards are an addition to the above, enabling slightly more varied discussion.

That's probably why a number of your ideas have not been greeted with open arms, as it doesn't directly impact the speedrunning at all, which is the site's business.
red chamber dream
yeah and with all the sequence breaking going on lately, who has time for fun?
Quote from arkarian:
yeah and with all the sequence breaking going on lately, who has time for fun?

I can't remember the last time somthing huge got updated to the main site, but yeah, I think the whole 'RPG' system thing and the reputation crap is very stupid.
Looks like I nearly missed another crappy "suggestions" thread.  I've seen posts suggesting things like those throughout M2K2's history, but the point remains that they are for the most part insignificant.  This is about speed running, not gaining reputations.  If you want a reputation, you can gain it through finding sequence breaks and breaking world records.  And we all know by now what a forum wasteland GameFAQs has become--we don't want to end up like that.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from Phazar:
I've seen posts suggesting things like those throughout M2K2's history,


Quote from tomatobob:
Quote from Phazar:
I've seen posts suggesting things like those throughout M2K2's history,



Come on, he tried so hard... Neutral