Nice job on those, but you could have just uploaded those to youtube and posted a link in your signature instead of advertising them in a thread like this. And don't double-post. Just edit your previous post if you have something to add.
And I'm sorry to say you still can't finish the game on the JAP or NA versions unless you pick up another missile or super missile tank. :^(
Also I don't really like dancing either. It's okay.
EDIT: There seems to have been a misinterpretation on my part. I apologize for any inconvenience.
Hahaha I think it's because I misused the term "hack" as meaning "using cheats to get more drops," but then I looked at the other videos, and maybe he had been extra extra extra lucky in the first.
[19:05] <luke> this is not zm [19:05] <luke> i'm not 100% sure [19:06] <luke> hang on [19:06] <luke> yeah i thought so [19:06] <luke> there are three rinkas in that room [19:06] <luke> in that video, there are only two [19:07] <luke> it looks like something totally different than zm to me [19:07] <luke> i've played the japanese version of zm, it's all in english [19:07] <luke> so i dunno what this is [19:11] <luke> i don't know of a chinese version