I am letting My GBA recharge I'm at the first crateria save point right now and I have all the items that I think I should. the last thing I got was the ice beam.
I found a way to TOTALLY screw yourself over in the game!
on your first journey to Norfair, after getting the Ice Beam, when you get back to the Green bubble room freeze the floating creature and go through the secret path to the top right (you need a missile) go ALLLLL the way down skipping the green room. You can now goto Ridley, without Varia, High Jump, Speed Booster or anything! I went in with 2 energy tanks and realised I couldn't get out! Nor could I go further because I didn't have enough health to get through the heated room!!!!
I'm on the final boss without high jump/ball jump, screw attack, long beam, wave beam, Varia Suit; with 199 health, 10 missiles, 2 super missiles, and (my newly discovered to have not been needed by going through the ceiling accidentily) 2 power bombs.
I'm in tourian and I keep getting killed by the metroids that get stuck on your head. the last thing I got was the screw attack. im at 2:02. I got it yesterday.
Um, if you're on the final boss, you do have varia suit.
You get it automatically from the chozo spirits with the fully powered suit, whether or not you picked it up in Brinstar.
That's one heck of a 15% game, by the way.
STUPID SPIRITS! Ah well. BTW, I finally decided to get the last Energy tank and beat it: about 1:17 with ... 16%! :x I shamefully checked the tricks section and used the Black Pirate AI glitch. I feel ashamed. Then I went back and beat it without (took a long time to get it right, nearly impossible if he doesn't give you the extra super missiles). Now I'm doing a hard mode 99% run<1:55.