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Just tried out Phaaze for about 45 minutes or so. Wasn't as hard as I was expecting at all, though I kept thinking I was going to die before getting past the first door just from the yellow meter naturally increasing. I made it all the way to the room where you have to kill a bunch of enemies to get to the next room, which IIRC is only 3 rooms from the end.

1) The room I just described
2) The room with that weird gigantic head enemy
3) The room where you have to shoot some bug inside a tree thingy

Only 2) worries me because I really can't shoot that fast, and once I get past 3), I'm set because Dark samus is a valuable checkpoint. IMO the bosses should be easier than just surviving through phaaze to reach them, since I just have to memorize pattern behaviors and how to react to them. However, since it is 3 consecutive bosses and mistakes basically = death, it's still a bit of a marathon to pull off, but I know I'll do it. Keep your fingers crossed that phaaze getting owned will be on utube by friday.
Anywhere, everywhere
For the five eyed freak, if you morph into the tunnel he's in, you won't get stunned by the fall and you'll have more time to shoot.

And the "bug in the tree" is the plot-of-the-primes-explained creature, the leviathan infant. Wink
Thanks for the tip.


Now that I have 2 DVD-RWs to work with again (I'm seriously down to 3 right now), I can attempt Phaaze more seriously.
Leviathan Code retrieval

Inputting the code

As for Phaaze, I've gotten to the big head twice but lost both times. The amount of time to get there just to have to restart at the very beginning has me pretty annoyed, so I'm going to re-do Norion first.
plasma beam v.2.0
i would like to congragulate you on a very nice run so far.  DS is easy.  just use the xray, or whatever, visor to find the real her.  4 minutes on vet.
Thanks :D

But hot damn, I just beat Phaaze with 11 E-tanks to get some practice on the bosses. Assuming I can get past the big head dude (0/4 right now), there's still some big problems to cope with:

-Dark samus when he goes into 3 forms and all 3 attack you with varied attacks. This is chaotic, and for now it seems my best bet is to hope that most of the attacks are cut short by ice pillars while I focus my attacks on one of the Dark Samuses. I might also try turtling with dashes + jumps.

-Aurora unit 313. His laser attack is what damages me the most. Right now I try to lock onto the boss and follow the direction that all the lasers are moving in, but I still seem to get hit a lot.

Also, I think there might be a difficulty adjustment in phaaze. Although some of it may be attributed to carelessness, I'm pretty sure you accumulate damage faster the more energy tanks you have. Of course, it's not nearly to the extent that 14 E tanks is harder than 1.
plasma beam v.2.0
Quote from vykan12:
-Dark samus when he goes into 3 forms and all 3 attack you with varied attacks. This is chaotic, and for now it seems my best bet is to hope that most of the attacks are cut short by ice pillars while I focus my attacks on one of the Dark Samuses. I might also try turtling with dashes + jumps.


as i said, use the xray visor to find the real her.  then just blast her.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Dark Samus isn't he or she, it's just Dark Samus.
plasma beam v.2.0
its an atomic recreation of samus, for purposes of not calling dark samus an it, i call DS a her.
Bananas GOOD, Kremlings BAD
...anyway, you DEFINITELY have what it takes to actually DO a speedrun.

The fact that you want to do Norion better attests to this.
plasma beam v.2.0
and what is the health glitch?
...anyway, you DEFINITELY have what it takes to actually DO a speedrun.

The fact that you want to do Norion better attests to this.

Glad you think so :)

and what is the health glitch?

I thought I did a good job explaining it in my youtube comments.

When you have full hp and get hp pick-ups while in phazon mode, you actually get extra energy. However, if you so much as take a single hit or take a single hp pick-up while not in phazon mode, your hp resets back to the usual maximum value. Now, this glitch is exploited as much as possible so that I can use phazon beam as much as I can versus Ridley. I'll probably make a video explaining the whole hp glitch thing anyway, since I use it a lot in the run as a whole.

Basically lets you have an extra energy tank of hp, with the above described conditions.
plasma beam v.2.0
ah, and i dont watch with sound, it doesnt sound very good...  my computer.
Quote from Dark Phoenix:
as i said, use the xray visor to find the real her.  then just blast her.

It's better to take out the clones first, then focus on the real DS.

Also every time DS splits into clones, the real one is always the one on the left. Every time.
Got 2/8 of my segments re-done, but Berserker Lord is causing me so many problems. I'm trying to get all 4 orbs to knock out his armor in one go, but I just can't do it after a good hour of retrying that annoyingly reptitive fight. So far I've seen 2 methods of doing it. The first's on m2k2 and has Samus sorta do a snake or zigzag pattern then shoot the first orb at the very last instant before it crashes into the ground. The other I got from xade's run, which is to sidedash all the way around berzerker then back up, shooting the first orb as soon as the fourth is launched. The first method is hopeless for me, as I can only get about 2 orbs on average and xade's method is more consistent, though it's annoying positioning berskerker so that the orbs don't collide in the wall when dashing around him. The only other thing I have to work with is to jump so that the orbs don't plummet into the ground as they love to do, but still no luck with any experimentation implementing jump baiting orbs to keep 'em alive.

So, how the heck do you beat this roid raging mongoose in one round consistently?
I don't think we ever confirmed that it was possible on hyper.. the orbs go faster on the higher modes so the zigzag thing on the site is definitely impossible (even on veteran). I never tried paraxade's way though. I've seen the 4th orb come out on veteran before.. rarely, but maybe the method could be refined. I could upload that vid later if it'd help, but I doubt it would. They just move too fast on hyper.. there could still be a way to do it but it hasn't been looked into much.
Nice to see you back kip.

I gave up after close to 2 hours of trying, the closest I came was getting the last 3 orbs at him while the first surely collided with the wall. Whatever, I settled for 2 rounding him while only allowing 2 missed charged shots in the entire fight.
Do you still have the attempt on vid? I just want to see how close it was.


This is the thing I was talking about earlier.. it's only veteran, and I know I messed it up anyway, but maybe it'd be possible on hyper if it was refined (or somehow mixed with paraxade's method). I go into the corner after stunning him, then dash to the left when he starts shooting, morphing in the air. Ball mode because the speed is enough to keep you from the orbs, at least on veteran. 1-2 spring jumps so the orbs stay up longer, get your instant unmorph and start shooting them back.

Of course the problem is once you hit the corner there's nowhere to go.. the orbs also explode if they touch each other.
Having saw that, I'm fairly sure hyper mode is possible, we just need to find the way to execute it. I think we need to look in what makes an orb follow you around versus just following a set trajectory since that's all that's keeping us from having the orbs follow samus infinitely (besides the limited room size).
Oh yeah.. about the phaaze monster, you might know this already but there are 2 other things (besides falling down the shaft in ball mode) that can speed up the fight. It was mentioned before that if you leave the remote off the screen, the target goes back to the center so you can mash the button without worrying about missing.

It was also said that using a missile at the end kills him faster.. but you need to know when because you're probably screwed if he lives through it. I don't know what people do about that, counting the shots must be kind of hard while mashing.
Quote from kip:
It was mentioned before that if you leave the remote off the screen, the target goes back to the center so you can mash the button without worrying about missing.

IIRC that doesn't work, because if you just leave the wiimote alone you'll be too high or too low or something. Might work if you hold Z after aiming at the right spot, but the time spent setting that up might make things difficult... plus being screwed if you mess it up. Aiming isn't really a problem anyway.
Quote from Paraxade:
Quote from kip:
It was mentioned before that if you leave the remote off the screen, the target goes back to the center so you can mash the button without worrying about missing.

IIRC that doesn't work, because if you just leave the wiimote alone you'll be too high or too low or something. Might work if you hold Z after aiming at the right spot, but the time spent setting that up might make things difficult... plus being screwed if you mess it up. Aiming isn't really a problem anyway.

Well when I mash I basically jab my right index finger into the A button (note I'm left handed), so the wii remote is kinda unstable. Not having to aim might help, though I've had the problem where the wii remote went off-screen and the shots eventually started missing. Oh well.
I just mash the beam as fast as possible when I get to him and it seems to work just fine for me. All depends on how well you can mash buttons though, since from what I remember I barely manage to defeat it before it would bite me on Hypermode.

Don't know how well it works on Dark Samus on Hypermode, but my fastest fights against her on Normal and Veteran have happened just by spamming the uncharged beam at her as well. Although it sounds as if you aren't having as much of a problem with her if you are getting to 313 often enough. Speaking of which, I'm not sure if you've looked at all of the tricks we had from back then but I'm sure they'd still apply in this case if you're still having some trouble against 313.

Oh, and I just got to Omega Ridley myself (Without going to the Valhalla first like you did, right?) and I have 3:15 at this point. So your time is still really great if you're on Phaaze at 3:24, compared to mine at least. I'll be happy if I manage to stay in the 3 hour mark at this rate.
well, there was talk about skipping him a long time ago. I never knew how to do it, so I never got a vid or anything though. Every time I was gonna fight him, I would just do weird stuff while falling down the shaft and hope it happened. Was that ever explained?
Edit history:
vykan12: 2008-06-27 04:03:38 am
Skipping who? Ridley? Or the aurora unit? I'm confused  aiwebs_016

There is a way to EXIT the Ridley fight, but that's completely useless AFAIK.

Also, I noticed in one of your vids you did some weird scanning trick to trigger landing site A opening early.


Have you looked at finding a way to do this fast enough to be a timesaver, or is it one of those "useless glitches"?