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first: beat story mode with 100% items and scans(octolith emblem)
second: get 25 matches won (bronze metroid emblem)
third: get 100 matches won(silver metroid emblem)
forth: get 200 matches won(golden emblem)
fith: get 500 matches (won or lost) (black border)
sixth: get 5 stars (unlocks cool golden border, but you must have the black one first)

The matches must be online or multicart.
There is no platinum medal emblem ##### the jerk that said that and made me loose my time(#### 1000 matches and no fun make Vic mad)
here's a pic for you all credit to Fallen_Riku:
Thread title: 
Cool. So it's 500 Matches total? I'm close to that.
Bangaa Bishop
how do you get stars?
Online victories.
Or multicard victories where you battle against other PLAYERS, not bots.
...I am waaaay off from that. I'm wierd, for some reason, I stink at wifi, but rock at multicard/ bot play! I ONLY WON LIKE 6 OUTTA 50+!!! ( I can't check now, in the middle of playing single player. ) Crying or Very sad
I have everything except 5 stars/gold border now (I have exactly 500 matches right now). Thank you, defeating level 1 Weabot with Trace in Combat Hall at point goal 1 point!
how can one view his license or is it even possible?
You go to nintendo wifi connection, then choose edit friends and rivals in the bottom right hand corner, then tap your name at the top.
ok, thanks