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What do you mean "types"?
red chamber dream
He means as in different kinds. Like if you have a GBA and a GBC, then you'd have two types of handhelds. But if you had two GBA's, then that only counts as one type of handheld.
Cook of the Sea
Another thread derailment, what with the semantics already!  WOOOOOOPwoopwoopwoopwoopwoop....
red chamber dream
Well, it was going okay until...yeah, that.
Cook of the Sea
I mean, [b]I[/b] don't mind what people talk about in threads, I was just being satirically facetious, as is my wont... Laughing
I('d) like to watch (some MP3 runs)
Why the hell did you post that picture 4 times?
Cook of the Sea
What?  Which picture?

Edit:  What the hell!  I just looked on the first page.  I totally did not do that.  It certainly wasn't like that when I first posted it, and I haven't edited it. 

Edit:  And that fixes it.  I still don't understand, though...
Too many fangirls to count
Quote from njahnke:
gb pocket, gbc, gba, gba sp, game gear, nomad.
Same as that exept no nomad and a DS.