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Use \ before commas in usernames
I can't get an avatar below my screen name can anyone help? Oh and Spidey-Widey would also like to know this.  Thanks grin new
Thread title: 
First, pick an image that is 120x120 pixels (or less) and 40 KB (or less) in size.  Click on the Profile button and scroll all the way down to the bottom.  From there, click the "Choose File" button and navigate to your avatar.  Select your file, then press "Submit" at the bottom of the Profile page. 

Sig images are a whole other story though.
Quote from USBCD36:
40 KB (or less)

nope, 30 KB
thanks i think i'll get on that now
Hmm.  Wasn't it 30 KB at one time?
Quote from USBCD36:
Hmm.  Wasn't it 30 KB at one time?

Yes. Now.
Wow.  I need to start proofreading my posts. 

Never mind…