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I know a little about web site making and the internet, but a few questions still elude me. One is how you are able to store this many videos. Are you using your own computer as the server? If not, how in the world do you pay for all this?! I'd love to post videos of my own online, but these questions prevented me. I hope this is the right place to ask this question.
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yeah, sure thing. really shouldn't go into too many details, as they probably wouldn't be useful to you, but hope this much helps.

the server is a $100/month lease from a popular hosting company. i pay only half that, though, due to my agreement to share the resources of the server with a friend of mine. because of that and other reasons, though, m2k2 isn't the only thing the server does, so you have to factor that in, though i can say with confidence that m2k2 is definitely the most resource intensive thing the server does.

there are many additional expenses, like the domains, hardware to produce the content, etc, but i guess you probably don't care about that.

yeah, would be glad to answer anything more specific you have.
So that's...$50 a month...cool.