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I have some FFXI pictures that i took that just seem amazing...  And i wondered how I can get them in here...
Thread title: 
Use the [img][/img] with the Pictures Web Adress when you post.
But it's not on the web....  If i put it on my website...  That could work right?

Ok i think i got it!

^ La Theine plateau

^it's a picture of me...dead... on the boat... And man the sun just being devoured by the clouds adds a very dramatic effect... don't you agree?

^Tahrongi Sunset... Isn't it romantic?

K i fixed em... i hope...
Uhhh Myke. You might want to look at the pics you posted.
Go to http://www.imageshack.us/
Why might i want to look at them?
They appear the same incorect looking way.
Quote from The April Fool:
They appear the same incorect looking way.

i can't understand that...  Or it's just that i don't know what incorrect way that is...
This is what I see.

Remote Link Forbidden

This host does not support remote linking of images or files for FREE accounts.

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I cant see the pictures.
Ok i got em all fixed...and you might have to right click then go to display image with full quality... or at least..i have to...  Because if i don't it looks all hazy
Now those are good pictures.
Arrow  Arrow  Arrow  Arrow  Arrow
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I have more.... MUCH more...but I think that It would be a good idea if i didn't post them all...
You can post them all here http://chatfolder.proboards21.com/index.cgi?board=Show
Anyone notice how they all say "Copyright 2002-2004 Square Enic Co Ltd. All Rights Reserved" at the bottom?
I noticed that too. It got me thinking why he said he took them. Make took as in stole/grabbed/borrowed instead of took as in photographed.
because first you press scroll lock witch gets rid of the menus and other random screen clutterers

then you press Print scree/ sysrq  and as soon as you press that a little thingy comes up at the bottom of the screen that says that  I'm not sure why exactly but it does.  You see, if you had the glorious gift from god known as FFXI you would understand that's what happens
Probably comes up to stop ppl nicking Square's work and claiming it as their own.
But that can be so simply bypassed!  All you gotta do is go in mspaint...
I really can't think of a LOGICAL reason... no offense