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(user is banned)
How do I let more people reply to my post? Replying is locked for my others. Why?? And also I tried useing a image thats only 80 x 80 pixels and it still didn't use the image. Why?
Thread title: 
this is going to get lokors.
red chamber dream
No one could respond to that topic, because I locked it. And I am locking this topic, as well, because too many people have made topics similar to yours, and we don't like having multiple topics asking the same question here at m2k2.
Just post your concerns in this topic, like I said, and someone would be glad to help you there. Don't create another topic like this one.

Also, SamusAranLuver, you don't need to say that a topic is going to be locked. That's basically a spam/mini-modding post.
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
The real question is, how come I haven't yelled at you yet?
