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Best game ever = Super Metroid
How could no one catch this? Hi... in the game they are spelt, "Hi"-jump boots. That isn't correct, the correct spelling should be High should it not?

If I am missing someone by all means correct me. :P But as of now I am kinda shocked. Unless it has to do with improper translation from the Japanese version. Not nearly as bad as, "All your bases are belong to us."
Thread title: 
red chamber dream
could either be a poor translation or something that was done on purpose. there's a pokemon move called "hi jump kick" so maybe all nintendo's japanese -> english translators suck or they all do it on purpose.
Best game ever = Super Metroid
Just kinda figured I would post this. :P I love being part of an active SM forum!
Edit history:
Opium: 2010-11-18 07:33:32 pm
I think it is just evolved english.  Probably started with 'hi/lo' as a statistical term, with 'hi' getting used often as an abbreviated version of 'high'.  Using 'lo' as a commonly abbreviated term of 'low' would never catch on since you are only saving one letter anyways.
Embarrasing Fact: Power suit made by lowest bidder
Quote from Opium:
Using 'lo' as a commonly abbreviated term of 'low' would never catch on since you are only saving one letter anyways.

... what wut.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
I'm fairly certain that it's just a case of bypassing the fact that it wouldn't fit properly:

Best game ever = Super Metroid
Ok wow I am sorry I didn't notice the name in the equipment menu. If anything they would've been concerned about it fitting in there more than across the screen. I am sure two more characters would've fit across the screen.

The name being different in the equipment menu kinda brings up a mystery that needs to be solved. :P
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
It's not different in the equipment menu.  Both display 'HI-JUMP BOOTS'.  I have edited that picture to show that 'HIGH JUMP BOOTS' wouldn't fit with the existing letters, and stating that that's probably why they went with 'HI-JUMP BOOTS' instead.
Best game ever = Super Metroid
I don't get it though they allowed for the VAR beam and it doesn't fit. :P Kidding... judging by some of the things in this game though you can't really tell if any of it was intentional. >.> Stupid creators will never tell!
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
The VAR is not a beam.  It's a glitch, and it causes the game to freak out, causing it to display the beginning tiles from the VARIA SUIT.
Best game ever = Super Metroid
I know. That's why I said I was kidding. :P
Edit history:
Opium: 2010-11-19 10:25:59 am
Quote from AbsolutexZero:
I don't get it though they allowed for the VAR beam and it doesn't fit. :P Kidding...

Quote from Quietus:
The VAR is not a beam.  It's a glitch, and it causes the game to freak out, causing it to display the beginning tiles from the VARIA SUIT.

Quote from AbsolutexZero:
I know. That's why I said I was kidding. :P

but but but....  Hi Jump Boots is already in the "boots" section of the suit upgrades.  so the boots part is redundant.
Thus "High Jump" can take the place of "hi-Jump Boots" and it will be fine
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Never, curse you! aiwebs_004
Edit history:
ajbolt89: 2011-01-23 06:45:20 pm
ajbolt89: 2010-11-29 12:58:50 pm
lol no way
Well the Hi-Jump item was boots, while Space Jump was more of a ball with spikes on it, except for in Metroid Prime when it was boots. I mean so they're specifying which item was boots while lack of the word 'boots' indicates it's not boots?
Bangaa Bishop
"Hi" is an acceptable abbriviation of the word "high" just as "lo" is commonly used as an abbriviation for low. Typically used when space is a consideration.
Part-time philosopher
Quote from AbsolutexZero:
Just kinda figured I would post this. :P I love being part of an active SM forum!
I know the feeling.  Best in the world, ain't it??

As for the name, maybe they just ran out of room or they got lazy typing in those extra two letters or they thought it would look cool or I don't know what I'm talking about...
Using 'lo' as a commonly abbreviated term of 'low' would never catch on since you are only saving one letter anyways.

But you only save 1 letter in Hi aswell. "H" is used anyways, so you only save "G". Thusly, for your comment to be valid, you have to call Ig instead of Hi.
Edit history:
sabata2: 2011-02-08 02:47:01 am

Removal of repetitions of letters isn't usually how contractions or abbreviations are created.
And that was never his argument in the first place.
*sigh* Give me strength
I know. I was bored. :K
Think it has more to do with space restraints in a text box
Don't cross me, or I will kill you!
Yeah, on ZM and Fusion's status screens, it calls it Hi-Jump. Not Boots added on, but they have limited space.
Don't cross me, or I will kill you!
hi sounds the same as high. Lo sounds like Low.
Edit button.

It's been pointed out to you already.