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*Runs around all message boards on the net with a shotgun shooting all N00bs who say 'OMG WTF SAMIS IZ TEH GURL LOLOLOLOLOL?!?! '*
and white wine
It might be a decent idea to remove post count and the such from under people's names when they post, leaving:


If anyone really cares about that stuff, they can actually view the person's profile. It'd make things look cleaner/less crowded.

Just a suggestion.

By the way, OMGWTFLOLBBQ SAMMIS IS RELY A GRL??/??/??/ OMFG R SHE HOTT?/??// N E 1 GOT PIXX?/?//?//!!1!1! 8-) 8-) 8-)
Meh, I don't even notice post counts.  It's just nothing that's really ever mattered to me.  I post to chat with people about things we share interest in and what have you, not for a x-digit number :P
Quote from skynes:
*Runs around all message boards on the net with a shotgun shooting all N00bs who say 'OMG WTF SAMIS IZ TEH GURL LOLOLOLOLOL?!?! '*

OOOWWW samus is a girl! Now that would explains those strange pics you get after a good finish
*Hits frantic on head with butt of shotgun*

lol. I R L33t!!!!

*comes back into reality*

ahhhh! What a nightmare!!! I dreamt I became a N00b!!!!
What... have... I... done...?
Quote from skynes:
*Hits frantic on head with butt of shotgun*

lol. I R L33t!!!!

*comes back into reality*

ahhhh! What a nightmare!!! I dreamt I became a N00b!!!!

*kicks skynes for getting  my name wrong  Evil or Very Mad *
Well, Fractic is one frantic fella'!
Cook of the Sea

I like these boards...

Cook of the Sea
In case you care, fractic, I like fracticals and yours is known as the Serpinski Triangle, apparently after some guy who REALLY needs to stop staying up late nights making Triforces within Triforces and get a girl.