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red chamber dream
Or just cease it altogether.
(user is banned)
Edit history:
Folkskygg: 2008-12-20 06:52:46 pm
I don't know if I introduced myself yet. Think not but if some(one) want(s) an introduction I'll write some letters. Actually I think the most of the users know about me already.
edit: Haha I like the main post because it has very good point. Every forum I hang around in are attacked with threads like "I'm new here". And reading the fourth post makes my post unnecessary :(
Another forum I frequently visit has an entire board dedicated to introducing yourself.  It gets flooded with topics, since each new user creates a new topic.
But I don't know if this is even worse from a new user: Thread:Super metroid>>Main Post: Hi I just found super missiles and this game is so great!
Those topics are usually immediately locked here, occasionally containing a spam warning to the poster.
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
Hi, I'm Acheron and I hack Super Metroid and I'm working on speedrunning Corruption but I never have the time any more. :(

(And now this thread has some purpose again!)
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Hang on a second...

Don't we know you from somewhere..? winky

On, and welcome to the forum. Very Happy
Are you ready for some underwear music?
Welcome. grin new
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
I was gone for so long I almost warrant re-introducing myself. Neutral

Hey look it's my signature face.
Too bad you can't just go :| anymore. But, then again, now smileys can be right next to actual text or other smileys, and that's cool.

Welcome back! Stayyyy with usssss... Twisted Evil
Welcome back, Acheron.  I hope that you can get back on #jzd soon.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from Acheron86:
Hi, I'm Acheron and I hack Super Metroid and I'm working on speedrunning Corruption but I never have the time any more. :(

(And now this thread has some purpose again!)

Welcome back, now get back to work. Being dead was a flimsy excuse anyway.
Club 27 Goals
Welcome, I do believe we've met before.
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
Quote from tomatobob:
Welcome back, now get back to work. Being dead was a flimsy excuse anyway.

Actually I was turned into a newt.

I got better.
you're not truly back until you're on irc.
HI there.

I go by CuddleBunniezzz12 or Cuddlezzz for short.

My interests are in gaming, and computer arts, as well as programming.

My first ever Metroid game was Fusion, then Zero Mission, Metroid 2 (that was pure luck that i found a cartridge in 2006 in a EB Games), and then Super (ROM, no way in hell of trying to get a Super NES and the cartridge).

Right now, I'm trying to learn C++, then the allegoro game lib so i can create my own metroid game (or "Pong Online", my second project, an MMORPG).

Right now I'm working on a Metroid fusion font.

Well, Hi.
red chamber dream
welcome to the forum!!

i'd be very interested in trying out your fusion font once it's finished.
Quote from CuddleBunniezzz12:
My first ever Metroid game was Fusion

Good man. Welcome.
Quote from arkarian:
welcome to the forum!!

i'd be very interested in trying out your fusion font once it's finished.

Here is a preview:


I loved it so much, and still play it about 3 times a year, mainly trying to perfect my speed run times.  Same With Zero mission.
Welcome, cuddlebunniez, or whatever your name is.
Are you ready for some underwear music?
Welcome to the M2K2. Have fun and obey the rules.
Or else.
Edit history:
Phazar: 2009-01-18 12:26:53 pm
Welcome to the forum, I hope you enjoy your time!
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Phazar, every time somebody joins, you mention one or all of the above, despite being asked / told not to numerous times.

Every time you do, the temptation for somebody to do so is there, and then we have to relive the whole escapade over and over again.

For the love of whoever-it-is-that-actually-sits-on-the-clouds-watching-us - STOP IT!!! aiwebs_001
Welcome, Cuddliebunniez! Ignore the eternal goofiness and out-of-whack that is Phazar, and have a good time! Enjoy your stay! grin new