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Phazon Vasteel Autobot
I'm stucked on Inferno (Brinstar), i defeated Spore Spawn and Phantoon, where should i go now?

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Yoshi is back
Been there, done that, All you gotta do is have Grapple beam. Get grappling beam and go back to that place in the picture. and grapple the bottom block? I think either the bottom or top. :)
Phazon Vasteel Autobot
and where's the grapple beam?
Phazon Vasteel Autobot
Got the grapple beam.

BTW, i found a never-ending missile stockpile on Inferno.

Yoshi is back
Yep, I got that. I beat Magma, I had the gravity suit for my 4th item :D
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
There are several never ending missile tanks in Magma. :p