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OK, I'm trying to beat the game with a low item percentage.  I have 5 Power Bombs, 25 Super Missiles, 105 Missiles, 7 Energy Tanks, 2 Reserve Tanks, and the Spazer Beam.  I got through the rest of the game alright (sorta), but I'm having real difficulty with Mother Brain.  I've survived until the Laser Brain a few times, but never with enough energy to survive the attack.  I blame it on the fact that I'm used to fighting her with the full fourteen energy tanks, and therefore am not really used to having to dodge her attacks.  I also only have 21 Super Missiles left, and the Rinkas don't seem to surrender up items when they're destroyed.  Most of my Missiles are also used up on the Zebetites.  Any suggestions?
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Well, I remember watching a ZNES video of this guy beatng Super Metroid with just 15% items. Three subtanks and lets just say, enough missles to open a few doors. XD But anyway, yeah. I'll basically tell you what he did. He used all his super missles on Mother Brain's first form. Just avoiding all of her attacks and whatnot. Then on the next form, he merely sat (ducked if you will) in the right hand corner, firing up at her in from this very corner, jumping to avoid attacks and every now and then, shooting her in the air. He just had the charge beam and just fired at her again and again charging it as he went. And that's about it for the hard parts I guess.
Honestly, since the Brain fight is so scripted, I'd use your Super Missiles on the Zebetites first. 5 each per Zebetite, so that should leave you with, what, 5 Supers? (unless there's 5 Zebetites, then of course, 0). Then when the fight begins, waste your Missiles on her. Stand in the very far right corner, using only the jump button to leap into the air. Here's what you need to be careful of.
Her Bomb Spread hits the floor and explodes five seconds after rolling. Count to five, then make a short hop; don't leap because then she'll nail you with her Eye Laser. When you're out of Missiles, switch to your Beams. Have Charge, Wave, Ice, and Plasma active, and just fire continuous charged shots at the head, continuing to dodge like before. It shouldn't be long at all before she starts to initiate the Hyper Wave (the 300 HP dmg attack). Since you've got seven tanks, when you see her charge up, go to your subscreen and take off your armorsuits. Seriously. This way, the Brain will hit you with the attack, it'll deal 600 HP of damage, and you'll be grounded.  This of course assumes you have at least six of your tanks remaining when this occurs. If you have under four, leave only your Varia Suit on, and you'll still get grounded (since you'll only be left with around 150-200 HP).
The game is actually designed to keep you alive as long as possible during this sequence, since before each Hyper Wave attack (except the first, of course), the game does a check to see if you can survive the attack. If not, the game is automatically scripted to go to the next scenario, where the Hatchling swoops in. At that point, it's cake defeating the Brain with the newly-gained Hyper Beam ;)
