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kesvalk: 2010-08-31 12:07:53 am
kesvalk: 2010-08-30 11:05:18 pm
Indie Lover
yo guys, i think it's time to make a help topic... ppl that don't want to be spoiled, it's better you don't read this posts before finishing the game


okay guys, i have a problem with a item below the stairs, near "lil ridley" cage, did anyone found out how to get it?

i got al the items in sector 2, so if you have troube with one of the expasions there, just say, and i will try to help ya.
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Poision Envy: 2010-08-30 11:48:15 pm
Poision Envy: 2010-08-30 11:47:59 pm
Club 27 Goals
spoiler tags are awesome, you should try them out.
Indie Lover
the entire topic will be spoilers, if were gonna hide the entire topic... it will become, unpratical...

but whatever, i will put a spoiler tag in it...
Can you be at least more specific?

If you mean the missile expo near Ridley fight, where the purple lizard cocoon is. You need to speedboost from the super missile door(the room before the Ridley fight). Then shinespark upward.
Indie Lover
no, i mean the cage where he was kept when he was little, where you find the dead guy, in the adjacent room, you have a stair that goes to that command center, where you need to break the glass and jump in the ventilation shaft (that will lead you into a corridor
Ah...You just need to speed boost through the corridor starting from the left door and run through the right and shinespark upward before the ramp
Club 27 Goals
Quote from kesvalk:
the entire topic will be spoilers, if were gonna hide the entire topic... it will become, unpratical...

but whatever, i will put a spoiler tag in it...

I think huge gaps in ever post would be much more impractical. Just sayin imo.
Indie Lover
ah, never thought about that, thanks phoenix!
Edit history:
Opium: 2010-08-31 05:46:42 pm
I'm struggling with the controls.  I'm not hearing the same frustrations from others, so I have to conclude that it's ME.  I'm kinda wondering if I should restart the game and go through the little tutorial again.  The few fights I passed were done so by button smashing and I really didn't understand what I did or how I did it.  I'm now at a spot where I really can't figure out what they want me to do.  I'm unable to figure out if they actually expect me to switch back and forth between first and third person, but I guess I'm not nearly good enough at these controls to do that yet.  I'm taking massive damage every time I go into first person because I can't dodge, I can only stand there and take damage while firing.  Unfortunately I tend to run out of energy before the enemy does.  *sigh*  This is frustrating!  I just keep reminding myself how alien Prime's controls were to me for a long time.
The part I'm on is the place where the worms keep sticking their heads out of the walls and ceiling.  I'm not sure if I'm even damaging them.  I can see some large red sweet spots on them but it only seems like I can shoot those spots while in 1st person, and I die pretty quickly after going into first person because I cant dodge their attacks.

Any advice or strategy that you guys can share in regards to combat controls would be appreciated.
Indie Lover
yea, you need to hit then with a missile, they will fall, and then you just ninja-kill them, you need to be fast when in first person, and use the bullet time to aim and fire, remember that you can dodge even when the screen is switching from 1st to 3rd, so you go in 1st person lock, fire and get out before the attack hit you, it's not that dificult... but i did died before killing them...
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from Opium:
I'm struggling with the controls.  I'm not hearing the same frustrations from others, so I have to conclude that it's ME.

Some of the reviews mentioned control issues, so I doubt it. I think every one I read said they at least take some getting used to.
yeah, i'm supposed to scan this mechanical space pirate body ridley head thing I've been scannign it for a good ten minutes now and I've got nothing, any help?
Quote from interdpth:
yeah, i'm supposed to scan this mechanical space pirate body ridley head thing I've been scannign it for a good ten minutes now and I've got nothing, any help?

Try to look at "GF Emblem" on their chest
Thanks! Did not even seee that!
Definitely getting better at the controls. For games that use the wiimote sideways, I hold it upside down with my fingers on the buttons instead of my thumbs.  This was making it way too awkward for the 3rd to 1st person switch.  It will take some getting used to using my thumbs but it is definitely the key that i needed in order to get better at the controls in this game. 
I've found that shaking the wiimote (left & right) dodges in first person, atleast thats how I was dodging in first person. Nowhere in the game does it tell you this iirc.
red chamber dream
sounds like you should read the instruction manual. :P
Yeah, I'm not entirely sure how to dodge in 1st person either, although I've done it a few times. Controls as a whole weren't that bad for me, although I still mess up things here and there.

At 5 hours 22 minutes right now, and have been having an absolute blast with the game so far. Story is decent overall, and I don't have a problem with the dialogue or voices really. Not to say this is the best story that's ever been told, but it's certainly not the worst in my opinion. I've definitely seen worse acting and story elements before from both games and movies.

Good god! A certain winged terror is literally ripping me to shreds right now! Died about a half dozen times to him and only got him down to 1/4 hp once I think. Haven't caught onto what the secret is to beating him yet, if there is one beyond keep blasting him with the beam. Regardless of that I'm very pleased with the fight as a whole since this is how he should be handled in my opinion. Complete chaos, very brutal attacks, and incredibly fast attack speed. One of the best encounters with him in the series.

Anyway, also wanted to mention that the cutscene before that battle nearly killed the disc from what it sounded like. It would freeze every few seconds, play a little, and then freeze again. Of all the places to start having problems! Evil or Very Mad
Quote from arkarian:
sounds like you should read the instruction manual. :P

If I could find one in .pdf format, I don't actually own a Wii myself I played this at my friends over the last couple days.

I thought about buying it just to have the disc and support the devs...but even going into the game with low expectations I was disappointed, It was fun to play...once. Crying or Very sad

Indie Lover
prime hunter, you need to use your super missiles if you want to have a chance aganist him, i think that every time he screams, he become invincible to the beam, it would be good if you discover how to get him dizzy, as you can take almost half his like with a "ninja kill"
You encounter him without the super missile and that creature is brutal when fought the first time since you don't know how to defeat it. Also "he" so dangerous on hard mode which most of his attack can kill you in one hit.
Edit history:
kesvalk: 2010-08-31 09:49:59 pm
Indie Lover
of course you have super missiles when fighting him, you get them to open the hatch making the lava flow and lightening up the room...

BTW, i am not saying he is easy, i died 3 times before beating him, but i had a lot more trouble with other bosses.
That makes too much sense. Just got the SMs and then never tried to use them against him. Think the issues I had with the cutscene threw me off a bit.
Hated by all
This may seem stupid to ask, but I'm a complete idiot.

Just lost Lyle, and staring with the four blue guys (in the S1 Field). Exactly what am I supposed to scan or wait for? The only things I can scan are them.
Quote from kesvalk:
of course you have super missiles when fighting him, you get them to open the hatch making the lava flow and lightening up the room...

BTW, i am not saying he is easy, i died 3 times before beating him, but i had a lot more trouble with other bosses.

Ahhh that creature for some time I was thinking about another one

Quote from playerman1230:
This may seem stupid to ask, but I'm a complete idiot.

Just lost Lyle, and staring with the four blue guys (in the S1 Field). Exactly what am I supposed to scan or wait for? The only things I can scan are them.

Look for something like the same color but different contrast color

Look at some green blood near the car