Yeah I don't know. maybe he was just getting bad draws cause he wasn't putting much effort into killing my guys. Not even the shitty 1/1 guys from the hero power.
Man I've been playing this game way more than it deserves. I have pretty viable Druid and Shaman decks, I also have a Zoo warlock just because it's so cheap to make, and disgustingly effective at the same time.
But the deck I like the most right now is a Warrior pirate rush deck. It sort of needs a good draw, and has no real draw power to fix that when things don't go your way, but damn it's hilarious when it works. Arcanite Reaper(5/5 weapon) already equipped, then play Warsong commander (anything with less attack than 2 gets charge) and Bloodsail Raider(2/3 gets +attack equal to your weapon's). The Raider gets charge before it gets the power boost, say hello to 7/3 charge to the face for 2 mana.
I mostly play arena though, I really only play normal games to get gold for Arena :P. It's hard as balls though, you have to understand card value and synergy on the fly. And then you eventually get destroyed anyway to someone who drafted like 4 legendaries haha. But at least everyone is on equal grounds right away, I don't have to play for months (or pay) to get the cards for a reasonable deck before I start playing.
Haha yeah I've been holding on to that free arena run because I know I'll get boatraced and learn nothing. Want to have a much better understanding of the game as a whole before I even try that. Maybe I'll jump in sooner than I plan to cause I'm getting pretty tired of my "Win one, lose one" ranked play performance. At least it would be different! (Rank 20 forever)
I don't have to play for months (or pay) to get the cards for a reasonable deck before I start playing.
sure, but you have to play a lot with a reasonable deck to earn the gold to even play arena.
i just don't get arena. it seems like the funnest mode, but i'll never play it again because it's not economical to spend my gold there when all i really want are new cards. if it cost 50g i'd be all over it. but 1.5x the cost of a pack is ridiculous.
blizzard loves making their games intentionally less fun though, so w/e.
starting to develop my priest and mage decks because i've had daily challenges for them a few times recently. they're fun, mage kind of takes forever, but that's ok. and priest is so fun to troll mind control with. ;)
Arena really is easily the most economical way to use your gold if you're sort of competent at it (though as stated, it IS hard). 2-3 wins will already get you the 50 gold difference back, 7+ wins and you get at least 150 gold back on top of the free pack, and so is self-sustainable.
Though I really just think arena is a more fun play mode. I only play constructed to complete daily challenges, which take 2-4 completed to earn an arena run. And I'm fine getting a run or two a week, honestly.
arena IS more fun. that's why it's irritating that you have to pay to play it. i dunno, hearthstone might not hold my interest long-term if it doesn't give you more shit to DO. i haven't tried ranked mode yet though, so maybe that will be fun. i do want to get the card back for may.
i just don't like having to "earn" the right to play a particular mode in the game, over and over again. i want to be able to sit down and play hearthstone whenever i want. turns me off so hard.
Getting to rank 20 for the card back is super easy. My first few ranked games were easier than may the Casual games I was pulling. There are some good players down at the bottom but also plenty of people who have no clue what they're doing.
i was level 21 and just played a level 20 mage with a deck containing a ton of legendaries - he had some crazy strong minions by the end, but i'm not a dummy so i save my removal cards. bitch went down pretty easily to all my minions on the field.
and aw, now i wish i had done ranked mode in april so i could get the first card back. now i'll always have all but the first one, lol ;(
They should probably guarantee you a good set of cards for your first Arena run because if you don't have many good options and every opponent is throwing out actually useful cards you wished you'd had a chance at it's the least fun thing ever.
Going second with a mage is so great. Dude throws out a bunch of minions turn 6 to get as much damage in as possible before the turn 7 flame strike then: Coin -> Flamestrike -> smug face.