You can recharge your ammo anywhere by shooting the crates/item ing/pots/plants with the opposite beam. The crates drop their normal items in addition to ammo.
(Not much of a secret, I know, but I've been hoarding my ammo, which is a huge mistake, and I just now figured this out.)
Both color beams are VERY useful, and should be used constantly. The charged dark beams will freeze powerful enemies, which will then usually die to one missle. The light beam when charged up does super missle damage to darklings/ings, and single light shots are good against hunter ings.
(Not much of a secret, I know, but I've been hoarding my ammo, which is a huge mistake, and I just now figured this out.)
Both color beams are VERY useful, and should be used constantly. The charged dark beams will freeze powerful enemies, which will then usually die to one missle. The light beam when charged up does super missle damage to darklings/ings, and single light shots are good against hunter ings.
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