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you know how crocomire was left in the game data,and that fake kraids room exists but there is no fake kraid.what if crocomire was originaly going to be fake kraid?

mock-up screenshot included:

Thread title: 
The real ZM Ridley
That was supposed to be a fake Kraid room?
<<<empty space>>>
its in the same location on the map as it was in the original.
Disguzting homosapienz!...
Hm I always thought if they were going to put Crocomire somewhere they would put him in the room where you get the energy tank with the speed booster at the top of Brinstar Depths
"How come I never get the sniper rifle?"
It would have been an interesting addition. If would be really cool utterly [glow=red,2,300]SUCK[/glow] if it was anything like the Super Metroid Crocomire; that was the most irritating bossfight ever.
I always thought the Crocomire fight in SM was fun.
The real ZM Ridley
Yeah, the fight wasn't irritating, and the death sequence was pretty funny too.
As the ZM hacker it is my full belief that crocomire was going to have his very own area, due to the following attached image,  but due to time constrants his area was never developed, i've looked.

The real ZM Ridley
I've seen that map, but I thought it was just useless trash. Isn't there like three copies of that same map and two of Brinstar?
Also wondering, what was that room in Crateria supposed to be? I'm talking about the one you find as #13 in DH that has tiles but no clipdata or door transitions.
Edit history:
interdpth: 2009-08-19 09:30:34 pm
Made a discovery, will edit soon :)
Made a new thread here http://forum.metroid2002.com/index.php/topic,8492.0.html