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So anyway.  The hardest boss for me is Nightmare.  Hands down.
I can't get past that damn missile tank in AQA in the water level lowering place! I keep picking it up (and having to fight Serris again :x )
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
do you mean you can't help but get it or you can't avoid it? You do know you can spark out of that place, right? You have like 2 seconds of error.
Yeah I know you can spark out but I can't nail it. Crying or Very sad
Quote from MegaMyke:
So anyway.  The hardest boss for me is Nightmare.  Hands down.

Pff I think nightmare is one of the easiest bosses for me but that spider ugg it took me 5 trys to beat him on my seacond time through the game.
I thought the spider was the easiest...

Oh well.  I guess everyones skills are different.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
I think it's just much easier to guage the bosses when you do a 1% run. I don't care how good you are, you WILL die on Nightmare, Yakuza and Ridley. I think less on Ridley, considerably much on Yakuza, and more on Nightmare. At least that's my experience. Maybe I just suck too much with space jumping.

I did find something though. It seems Nightmare stops more for me when I reach the left wall before it pulls out of the right wall fully. I just use the direction Sess uses and hop over it, then sprint for the wall. Works surprisingly well, although not 100%.
Yeah, I find Nightmare to be fairly easy to avoid when his face gets blasted off. Before then is a little troublesome because of the Gravity attack.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy


You know you can take him out without endangering yourself by space jumping up high and taking him out up there, then blast him as he slowly makes his way back down, right? Unless you're trying to speed it too....
I've never tried on 1%, only with speed. But it sounds like a good strategy to use, thanks Jagger.
You know i actually got done with my 1% run for the first time the other day (ive known about it forever but got rid of my cart and bought it back just to do so LOL) but  seemed to have the MOST trouble with ridley... but again i seemed to have a strat that makes him cake.

His hit area is VERY similar to the ridley in zero mission, as such his under claws dont hit, and with a well timed fully charged plasma beam you can interupt EVERY attack he does, then just run under him over and repeat till he comes back. Unless you get really unlucky and he does one of those random disco spins in the corner and smacks you with the tail, or grabs ya, hes a piece of cake.

as for nightmare and yakuza, they were both dropped on the first attempt.

I think i died more times to the bugs in TRO when heading to nettori then ANYTHING else in my 0%, seeing as how they come charging from off screen and its an auto kill if you get popped.
who are you?
nightmare is the big one that control gravity right ??
if yes, well, its was the harder for me :o
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Problems with that post:

1) he killed yakuza on his first attempt in his first 1% run.
2) he killed nightmare on his first attempt in his first 1% run.
3) he apparently had a lot more trouble with ridley than the other two.
4) he claims to have done a 0% run on the cart (although I would like to assume that was a typo).

I can totally understand that he would have trouble on ridley because of things like mis-timing the charge beams and being unable to stop the attacks, or letting ridley get too low and standing too close to its claws. I just can't understand how anyone could space jump so well in their first low% nightmare battle and be able to react to Yakuza's random jumping so well, but have trouble with a supposedly easier boss. I'm not saying it's impossible, but it's certainly not something you see very often. He must have practiced a LOT with any% before trying low% to pull that supposed run off.
Im good enough that I dont have a hardest boss anymore and I can kill the bosses on the first try in my 1% runs. But Ive also played that game for over 300 hours. In other words, you have to have no life if youre that good.
Or you're lying through your teeth.

Saying it is all good, but a little proof would be golden. Just seems like beating Yakuza and Nightmare on the first try on 1% seems to be a little fishy.

Although I did find out that when Yakuza Space Jumps around the room, charged Wide Beam shots almost always cause him damage and seem to stave him off, keeping him away from you.
Cook of the Sea
Quote from JaggerG:
4) he claims to have done a 0% run on the cart (although I would like to assume that was a typo).

Well right, since 0 and 1 are right next to each other on the keyboard.
Ready and willing.
Hey, maybe he was on the num pad!

Okay, not likely. :P
soaking through
Um, guys...

Ridley gave me more trouble than Yakuza and Nightmare.  I'm hoping that 0% was a typo, seeing as he said 1% earlier.
Well, now we know the answer to

Quote from njahnke:
who are you?
Cook of the Sea
Quote from The Master Of Mystery:
You know i actually got done with my 1% run for the first time the other day

Quote from Moody:
There's really only a few trouble spots, but those few were enough to cause me a lot of grief, with Yakuza, Mega-X, and Nightmare topping out the list.
Quote from Sasuke_Kun:
Just seems like beating Yakuza and Nightmare on the first try on 1% seems to be a little fishy.

Imo, ridley is the one that gives me trouble because he is random. Nightmare has a bit of a pattern to it. I really wish I had proof but no one would trust me with an emulator and my dvd player sucks.
Mega-X gave me trouble as well on my 1% run...  I figure I'd fight him and die on purpose just to learn where he moves and all...  But then I figured out that shooting him knocks him off-course and he's no longer so predictable.  But once I learned to compensate for my attempt to compensate, I beat him.

See what planning things out does to you?
y'all know dragondarch has an account here, right?
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
I don't see what's wrong with beating them on the first try in runs if you're careful. I can probably avoid them pretty well.