Not impossible
just highly unlikely
It's that holiday time of year again, so of course all our thoughts turn to our favorite of all holidays, Festivus.
I thought to kick off the Festivus season, we'd have our own little Airing of Grievances here on the forum. Unfortunately there's no real proper way to accomodate the Feats of Strength... maybe a Mario Kart battle mode match once Warp Pipe is fully functional. Anyway, to keep this nice and orderly, here's how it's going to work: Tell the person who posted directly above you how they have dissapointed you in the past year.
I'll get things kicked off here. Since there's no one that posted above me, I'll pick on... Nate.
Nate, you have failed to maintain an adequate level of personal hygene this year, and the smell is disturbing to me.
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