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What about having the hacks and fangame WIPs as a child board of the hacks/fangame gameplay discussion?

This is just a thought for your consideration....  It could help to eliminate some clutter in the hacks/fangames section.  But if any of you think it wouldn't make any difference, or it would be too much work...  Maybe it wouldn't be worth the trouble.  Neutral

Or, if the WIPs get more discussion (as I think they might) -- maybe have the 'gameplay discussions' as a child board...?
Thread title: 
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Why not just keep the gameplay discussion in the WIP thread or start a new thread for the patch when it's complete? Adding a child board to do the same thing as the original one seems a bit pointless.
Edit history:
Gaius_4: 2008-12-02 08:06:11 pm
Quote from tomatobob:
Why not just keep the gameplay discussion in the WIP thread or start a new thread for the patch when it's complete? Adding a child board to do the same thing as the original one seems a bit pointless.

A WIPs forum separated from Gameplay disc. forum might be pointless.  That's why I wanted to pitch the idea if others would think it would be beneficial.

But as for WIP topics changing over to Gameplay help/s....  The reason that wouldn't be a good idea is that someone new to a hack/fangame might be looking through (whichever) topic to find the answer and sifting through pages of nothing that helps them.....  Eh, I'm sure you see where I'm going here.  aiwebs_008
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from Gaius_4:
But as for WIP topics changing over to Gameplay help/s....  The reason that wouldn't be a good idea is that someone new to a hack/fangame might be looking through (whichever) topic to find the answer and sifting through pages of nothing that helps them.....

In fairness, as much as we'd all like to think otherwise, no one actually does this. How often does some one post about making ips patches work in a single thread? It's certainly more than once.
Is it happening? 

I know.  No necrobumping.  aiwebs_003  But I seen the Hacks/Fan Games Library forum section taking root. 
red chamber dream
we're working on it. hang tight.