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MP2 also a bit MP1 speedrunning
So, i figured out how to actually make backup files for my savegames, which is usefull for segmented runs and it also saves memory card space. I wanted to practice GA and Miles created a file which starts in that room with 10 hp, so he can reset it a lot faster than you'd usually do it. But i can't seem to get the savefile to my memory card, it works when i delete and reinstall another file though. Im pretty sure, that's because im using PAL, and since Miles's savefile is from a NTSC game, it doesnt work for me, and he doesnt create the file. So what i want to know is, how i open a .gci file, what program i use and how to create a file, like Miles did, so i can use it for myself to practice GA and probably other things way more efficiently. I actually tried to open the .gci file with dolphin by myself, but it didn't seem to work, maybe that's cause im using a wrong version or so.
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Ntsc: 2014-04-19 10:12:15 pm
Ntsc: 2014-04-19 08:43:00 pm
GCI files aren't encrypted or compressed - though the private data may be. Here is a basic layout I found (quoted in case the site disappears).

Dolphin 4.x (probably older ones to) supports importing and exporting GCI files but you'll have to go to the Memory Manager to do so.

Personally I'd use this as a starting point but basically just save a file multiple times in the same save point location with different missiles until I found that offset - then either play with values nearby or try the same thing but with an energy tank until I found the hp storage offset.


Treatise On The Architecture Of .GCI Format Gamecube Saves                    -

This document is written in the hopes of mapping the internal structure of
gamecube save files. There is no information presently available on this
subject, and I hope to find a way to extract the Logo and Icon data from these
files. NOTE: All values ending with "h" are hexadecimal values.

Address-Length  -Description

0000h-28h  -The first several bytes seem to be some sort of unique game code.

0028h-80h  -Contains game name and last save date?

0084h-C00h -Logo GFX data. Logo is 92 by 32 pixels.

0C84h-200h -these 512 bytes are the Logo Palette.

0E84h-400h -This is where the Icon data resides. The length of this section is
            400h per frame of animation. Icon is 32 by 32 pixels.

1284h-200h -Palette data for the Icon.

1484h-EoF  -Save data for the game untill the end of  the file.

A perfect example of the above structure is the Metroid Prime GCI, as it
contains only one frame for it's Icon, and thus exactly matches the values
given for the Icon palette and Save Data addresses. The GFX data itself
seems to be stored in a standard 8bpp format, with non-standard tiles.
The data is a series of 8 by 4 pixel tiles, rather than 8 by 8 tiles. You
can see some examples of this at my site (www.geocities.com/MetroidPrimeMap).
Palette data format is still being determined.

Written By:
-Jason Haffner (JasonHaffner@Hotmail.com)
Edit history:
Ntsc: 2014-04-19 10:17:57 pm
Started messing around with Metroid Prime NTSC-00 file - seems easy enough to find values (missiles only took 2 saves - its a byte at 0x15D3 for file 1) but there is a checksum in the private bytes. Unfortunately there are a few things changed every save. At the very least I know that the internal timer (for display at end of game) is updated which will make the checksum recalculate.